Task 1.
Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-10) with their endings (a-j).
1) Global warming means that
2) Heavy traffic and exhaust fumes
3) The emissions produced by factories
4) The pesticides used on crops in the countryside
5) Heavy rain and rising water levels in rivers
6) Most households produce large amounts of waste
7) The ozone layer
8) Large amounts of radiation
9) If you recycle things that have already been used
10) I prefer organic food because
a) pollute the air in most cities.
b) which is taken to landfill sites.
c) have caused serious flooding.
d) create acid rain which destroys crops.
e) the weather is becoming hotter and drier.
f) are dangerous to birds and other wildlife.
g) you process them so that they can be used again.
h) protects living things from the harmful radiation of the sun.
i) can cause illness and death.
j) it is produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides.
Task 2.
Complete these sentences with use(d) to + a suitable verb.
1) Dennis gave up smoking two years ago. He ____________________ 40 cigarettes a day.
2) Liz ____________________ a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a car.
3) We came to live in Manchester a few years ago. We ____________________ in Nottingham.
4) I rarely eat ice cream now but I ____________________ it when I was a child.
Task 3.
Complete the sentences with one of the following.
Are you getting used to-was used to-didn’t use to-have got used to-used to
1) I ___ work in a bank but I left and got a job as a gardener.
2) Since we had the baby I ___ not getting enough sleep.
3) How’s the new job? ___ it yet?
4) You ___ smoke! When did you start?
5) The noise was deafening but the driver ___ it.

Task 1
1) Global warming means that -e) the weather is becoming hotter and drier.
2) Heavy traffic and exhaust fumes - a) pollute the air in most cities.
3) The emissions produced by factories - f) are dangerous to birds and other wildlife.
4) The pesticides used on crops in the countryside - d) create acid rain which destroys crops.
5) Heavy rain and rising water levels in rivers - c) have caused serious flooding.
6) Most households produce large amounts of waste - b) which is taken to landfill sites.
7) The ozone layer - h) protects living things from the harmful radiation of the sun.
8) Large amounts of radiation - i) can cause illness and death.
9) If you recycle things that have already been used - g) you process them so that they can be used again.
10) I prefer organic food because - j) it is produced without artificial chemicals or pesticides.
Task 2
1) Dennis gave up smoking two years ago. He used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.
2) Liz used to drive a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a car.
3) We came to live in Manchester a few years ago. We used to live in Nottingham.
4) I rarely eat ice cream now but I used to eat it when I was a child.
Task 3
1) I used to work in a bank but I left and got a job as a gardener.
2) Since we had the baby I was used to not getting enough sleep.
3) How’s the new job? Haven’t you got used to it yet?
4) You didn’t use to smoke! When did you start?
5) The noise was deafening but the driver was used it.

Образуйте степени сравнения от прилагательных : Slow, careful, shy, sly, rare, true, whole, quick, bad, nice, correct, beautiful, tragic, dramatic, public, simple, terrible, easy, happy, early, angry, good, little, much, late, far, fast, low, near, late, hard, bright, comfort dangerous, perfect, useful, recent, usual, seldom, heavy, expensive, pretty, polite, strange, short, complete, great.

Slower, more careful, shier, slier, rarere, truer, wholer, quicker, worse, nicer, more correct, more beautiful, more tragic, more dramatic, more public, simpler/ more simple, more terrible, easier, happier, earlier, angrier, better, less,  more, later, farther, faster, lower, nearer, later, harder, brighter, more comfortable, more dangerous, perfect (от крайних прилагательных не образуют степеней сравнения), more useful, more recent, more usual, more seldom, heavier, more expensive, prettier, politer/ more polite, more strange, shorter, complete (от крайних прилагательных не образуют степеней сравнения), greater.

2 Complete the sentences with the article a/the where necessary 1) Greece is situated in south of Europe. 2) Ronalds usually spend Christmas in Alps 3) There is no butter in fridge. 4) grey cloud covered sun and strong wind blew 5) Madagascar is washed by Indian Ocean 6) In 1868, Queen Victoria published book our Life in 5 Tra the Highlands 7) It was first day of summer and Sue decided to invite her 2 friends to cinema. 8) Nigel can’t play guitar as well as he plays violin. 9) Her birthday is on second of April. 10) They play chess every Sunday

1) Greece is situated in the south of Europe. 2) Ronald usually spendS Christmas in THE Alps. 3) There is no butter in THE fridge. 4) A grey cloud covered THE sun and A strong wind blew. 5) Madagascar is washed by THE Indian Ocean. 6) In 1868, Queen Victoria published A book. 7) It was THE first day of summer and Sue decided to invite her 2 friends to THE cinema. 8) Nigel can’t play THE guitar as well as he plays THE violin. 9) Her birthday is on THE second of April. 10) They play chess every Sunday.

С переводом: Complete the sentences with the where necessary.
I dream of travelling to lots of countries:___ France, __Spain, ___Scotland, ____Italy, ___USA, __Wales, ___Germany, __India and ___Russian Federation.
2. There are some special places which all tourists like to see: __Trafalgar Square, ___Tower and __Big Ben in __London, ___Red Square and ___Kremlin in___Moscow, ___Winter Palace and ___Nevsky Prospect in ___St. Petersburg, ___White House in___Washington and___Empise State in___New York

Заповніть речення, де це необхідно.
Я мрію про подорож в багато країн: ___ Франції, Іспанії, __ ___ ____ Шотландії, Італії, США ___, __ Уельс, ___ Німеччина, __ Індія і ___Russian Федерації.
2. There є спеціальні місця, які все туристи хотіли б бачити: __ Трафальгарській площі, ___ Tower і __Big Бен в __London, ___ Червона площа і ___Kremlin в ___ р Москва, ___ Зимовий палац і ___Nevsky Проспект в ___ Санкт-Петербург, ___ Білий дім in___Washington and___Empise державний in___New Йорк

4. Complete the sentences with your own words. 1. When you go to the camp, …. 2. If we save the planet Earth, …. 3. When we do bad things on the Earth, ….

1. When you go to the camp you’ll have a good time. Если поедешь в лагерь, то проведёшь время хорошо.
2. If we save the planet Earth, our descendants will be grateful to us. Если мы сохраним планету Земля, наши потомки будут нам благодарны.
3. When we do bad things on the Earth, our planet will suffer from our deeds. Если мы совершим плохие дела на Земле, наша планета будет страдать от наших поступков.

Make the adjectives or adverbs in the box comparative. Then complete the sentences.
a) bad b) strong c) pretty
1. This year’s designs are pretty than last year.
2. The industrial revolution began and the middle classes were growing strong.
3. The quality of the clothes is bad than ever before.

1. This year’s designs are prettier than last year. 2. The industrial revolution began and the middle classes were growing stronger. 3. The quality of the clothes is worse than ever before. (bad-worse-the worst)

1. This year’s designs are prettier than last year. ( pretty-prettier-the prettiest)
 Дизайны этого года прекраснее, чем в прошлом году.
2. The industrial revolution began and the middle classes were growing stronger.  ( strong-stronger-the strongest)
Началась промышленная революция, и средние классы стали сильнее.
3. The quality of the clothes is worst than ever before. ( bad-worse-the worst)
Качество одежды хуже, чем когда-либо прежде.

Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in bold.
1)Tracy works as a (style) for a large modeling agency.
2)There’s a (similar) between the fashions of the 1980s and the 1960s.
3)I think you should lower your (expect) a little; it’s no easy to become a supermodel, you know.
4)Let me know when you make a (decide) about what to wear for the wedding.
5)Fashion critics have greeted the new clothing line with (enthuse).
6)The factory has increased (produce) of its shoes in an attempt to keep up with demand.
7)That necklace is (beauty)!
8)All our clothes are designed for men and women (like).

1)Tracy works as a stylist for a large modeling agency.
2)There’s a similarity between the fashions of the 1980s and the 1960s.
3)I think you should lower your expectation a little; it’s no easy to become a supermodel, you know. 
4)Let me know when you make a decision about what to wear for the wedding. 
5)Fashion critics have greeted the new clothing line with enthusiasm. 
6)The factory has increased production of its shoes in an attempt to keep up with demand. 
7)That necklace is beautiful! 
8)All our clothes are designed for men and women alike.

31) He stopped ______ and answer the phone.
to sing
32) You are not __________ to apply for this job.
old enough
enough old
too old
too much old
33) Put down my phone number in case you _________ any questions.
will have
would have
34) I was really surprised when I came ____ my old diary.
35) ____________ it was a real challenge, we did it.
36) Has he ever _______ to London?
Введите ответ
37) Will you pay by credit card or in ________?
Введите ответ
38) Never _____, I’ll manage.
Введите ответ
39) In the future people will be _____ to speak any language fluently.
Введите ответ
40) I’ve got a job ________ from their company.
Введите ответ
41) If I had spoken to him, I ________ that mistake.
Введите ответ
42) ____________ to the survey, people prefer staying at home when it rains.
Введите ответ
43) This job is not as well-paid _________ that one.
Введите ответ
44) I don’t like tennis. It’s not my cup of _______.
Введите ответ
45) If you want to join, please fill ____ an application form.
Введите ответ
46) Hold ___ for a minute, Mr Black is on the other line.
Введите ответ
47) Although she lives so far now, we still keep in _____.
Введите ответ
48) I wish I _______ play the trumpet but I can’t.
Введите ответ
49) If you don’t complete a report tonight, we won’t _______ the deadline.
Введите ответ
50) By and _____ he is a calm person but that time he lost his temper.
Введите ответ
51) “Bob was jailed again!” “He’s got very respectable parents. Indeed, every family has a black ______ ”.
Введите ответ
52) I haven’t seen my uncle Bob ____ I was a child.
Введите ответ
53) I ________ to do yoga in the morning, but I have no time for it now.
Введите ответ
54) Unless you buy a new torch, the old one can also come in ____.
Введите ответ
55) We _______ out of petrol and got stuck on the highway at the middle of the night.

31) He stopped ______ and answer the phone.
to sing
Неправильно. He stopped singing to answer the phone. Или He stopped singing and answered the phone.
32) You are not old enough to apply for this job.
old enough
enough old
too old
too much old
33) Put down my phone number in case you will have any questions.
will have
would have
34) I was really surprised when I came across my old diary.
35) Although it was a real challenge, we did it.
36) Has he ever been to London?
Введите ответ
37) Will you pay by credit card or in?   наверное не in. А by cash?
Введите ответ
38) Never mind, I’ll manage.
Введите ответ
39) In the future people will be able speak any language fluently. I wish, haha.
Введите ответ
40) I’ve got a job offer from their company.
Введите ответ
41) If I had spoken to him, I would not make that mistake.
Введите ответ
42) According to the survey, people prefer staying at home when it rains.
Введите ответ
43) This job is not as well-paid as that one.
Введите ответ
44) I don’t like tennis. It’s not my cup of tea.
Введите ответ
45) If you want to join, please fill in an application form.
Введите ответ
46) Hold on for a minute, Mr Black is on the other line.
Введите ответ
47) Although she lives so far now, we still keep in touch/contact.
Введите ответ
48) I wish I could play the trumpet but I can’t.
Введите ответ
49) If you don’t complete a report tonight, we won’t meet the deadline.
Введите ответ
50) By and _____ he is a calm person but that time he lost his temper. ЧИТО? By and ___ he is. Это как.
Введите ответ
51) “Bob was jailed again!” “He’s got very respectable parents. Indeed, every family has a black sheep ”. Что ли.
Введите ответ
52) I haven’t seen my uncle Bob since/when I was a child. Since скорее всего, но ведь он мог его встретить и в зрелом возрасте (бывает же ситуация).
Введите ответ
53) I am planning to do yoga in the morning, but I have no time for it now.
Введите ответ
54) Unless you buy a new torch, the old one can also come in handy.
Введите ответ
55) We run out of petrol and got stuck on the highway at the middle of the night.

Complete the sentences. Use the past simple passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1 The plane was struck (strike) by lightning, but managed to land safely. 2 The centre of the town (destroy by the hurricane. 3 The couple. (rescue) from the roof of their house. 4 Part of the school. (rebuilt) after being damaged by the high winds. 5 our house.(not damage) by the thunderstorm. 6 Much of the city.(flood) after days of heavy rain.

Закончите предложения. Используйте прошлую простую пассивную форму глаголов в скобках. 1 самолет был поражен молнией, но успел благополучно приземлиться. 2 центр города (разрушают ураганом. 3 пары. (спасение) с крыши их дома. 4 часть школы. (восстановленный) после быть поврежденным сильными ветрами. 5 наш дом. (не повреждение) грозой. 6 большая часть города. (наводнение) после дней сильного дождя.

Допишите вопросы, добавив tags (теги: «Не так ли / Не правда ли…»)
Complete the sentences:
1. She is a new pupil, ………………………………………?
2. You don’t like flowers, ……………………………….
3. He smokes, ………………………………………………….
4. Windsor isn’t big, …………………………………………?
5. Kirill will do that, ………………………………………?
6. Sarah and Ben are going to be late, …………………………………………….
7. John doesn’t argue a lot, ………………………………………………………………?
8. Real friends don’t ignore your interests, …………………………………………….
9. The book is the best present, …………………………………………………………?
10. The film was interesting, ……………………………………………….
11. Pavel is a bookworm, …………………………………………………….
The weather in Britain is never the same during a day, ……………………………?
в течении 4часов. Нужно

She is a new pupil, isn’t she?
You don’t like flowers, do you?
He smokes, doesn’t he?
Windsor isn’t big, is it?
Kirill will do that, won’t he?
Sarah and Ben are going to be late, aren’t they?
John doesn’t argue a lot, does he?
Real friends don’t ignore your interests, do they?
The book is the best presents, isn’t it?
The film was interesting, wasn’t it?
Pavel is a bookworm, isn’t he?
The weather in Britain is never the same during a day, is it?