Read the tips and report what they want you to do.
a Put glass bottles to a bottle bank.
b Don’t buy products in plastic
containers (use bottles,
boxes, bags).
c Take paper bags into shops.
d Don’t throw away plastic bags.
Make sure you use them more than once.
e Collect and recycle newspapers.
f Don’t replace a notebook until it is completely fi lled out.
g Don’t take baths. Take quick showers.
h Don’t leave the water running while brushing your teeth.
i Give away old clothes to someone who may need them.
j Walk, use your bike or public transport instead of a car.
k Don’t leave the light on when you leave the room.
l Plant trees and fl owers.

A/ They want me to put glass bottles to a bottle bank
b/ They want me to buy products in bottles, boxes and bags onstead of plastic containers
c/ They want me to go for shopping with a paper bag
d/ They want me not to throw away plastic bags and to use them several times
e/ They want me to collect and recycle newspapers
f/ They want me to replace a notebook when it is completely filled out
g/ They want me to take quick showers instead of baths
h/ They want me to turn off water while brushing my teeth
i/ They want me to give away old clothes to someone who may need them
j/ They want me to walk, use your bike or public transport instead of a car
k/ They want me to switch off the light on when i leave the room
l/ They want me to plant trees and flowers

Look at the text. Is it CD cover? a review of a CD the lyrics to a song?
b) read the text and complete the factfile.
Artist: Avril Lavinge
Best single
On the charts for

A) Look at the text. Is it a CD cover? a review of a CD? the lyrics to a song? 
b) Read the text and complete the factfile. 
Avril Lavigne, Let Go 
Let go’ is the new album by the young Canadian rock star Avril Lavigne. She is already very well-known in the USA and Canada and it is easy to see why! This talented singer and songwriter inspires teens all around the world with her great voice, powerful music and exciting lyrics. She is sure to be around for a long time. 
The most famous song from the album so far is ’Complicated’, a genuine song about life. It was in the music charts for 4 months and reached the top 5. The album is fantastic and full of catchy tunes. 
Listen out for more from this bright, young star. She will rock your world! 
а) Посмотрите текст. Это обложка CD диска? Рецензия диска? Слова песни? 
b) Прочитайте текст и заполните краткую информацию.  
Аврил Лавин Let me go
Let me go - замечательный альбом юной канадской рок звезды - Аврил Лавин. Она очень известна в Канаде и США, и очень легко понять почему! Эта талантливая певица и автор песен вдохновляет подростков по всему миру своим прелестным голосом, сильной музыкой и волнующими стихами. Она наверняка будет долго на сцене. Самая популярная песня альбома - Complicated, настоящая песня о жизни. Она была в музыкальных хит-парадах 4 месяца и добралась до Топ-5. Альбом - великолепный и полный притягательных мотивов. Прислушайся к этой блистательной юной звезде. Она перевернет твой мир!

Complete the sentences. (10 marks)
1 Watch these people on the talent
. They can do amazing things,
like singing, dancing, or telling really funny jokes!
2 You need to use a spam. if you
want to stop getting spam emails.
3 The first. of the drama series was
better than the second one.
4 She’s really courageous. You need to have a lot
of. if you want to work as a
5 I clean my clothes with. powder.
6 Don’t. away glass and paper.
Recycle them!
7 I often chat to my friends using.
8 You need to have the correct. to
log on to this site. It must include a mixture of
letters and numbers.
9 I usually find. operas a bit
10 You can. this log on the fire.

1 Watch these people on the talent show.
2 You need to use a spam blocking if you want to stop getting spam emails.
3 The first episode of the drama series was better than the second one.
4 You need to have a lot of courage if you want to work as a firefighter.
5 I clean my clothes with detergent powder.
6 Don’t throw away glass and paper.
7 I often chat to my friends using instant messaging.
8 You need to have the correct password to log on to this site.
9 I usually find soap operas a bit depressing.
10 You can put this log on the fire.

The history of York stretches back to Roman times. Few cities look as completely medieval as York as many buildings have remained more or less unchanged for centuries. With its ancient wooden houses and narrow winding streets, the whole city gives off an atmosphere of history. Today, these streets contain a fascinating variety of shops. York has been called “the City of churches” for there are no fewer than 17 pre-Reformation churches within the city walls. The pride of York is the huge and magnificent Minster which towers over the whole city. It is thought to contain the largest area of medieval coloured glass in the world. If you don’t want to join a group tour, there are cassettes - complete with Sony Walkman - which will tell you all about the city.
B Dover
The white cliffs of Dover are familiar to millions of travellers. Dover, the gateway to Britain, is the busiest ferry port in Europe. In times gone by, the town has been host to kings, armies, pilgrims and all kinds of travellers. Ancient monuments and ruins testify to Dover’s long and fascinating history and today the town offers a great deal to interest visitors all the year round. On a fine day, the harbour itself offers excellent walks. Particularly recommended is the Prince of Wales Pier at the end of which you will find a viewing place with a splendid outlook over the entire port, the white cliffs and Dover Castle. With two direct trains each hour from London Victoria and London Charing Cross, Dover is ideal for a day-trip from the capital.
C Portsmouth
This is a very special year for Portsmouth. The historic military city is celebrating its 800th anniversary and we want you to join the party! Apart from special events such as military displays and parades, there is always something to do in Portsmouth. Visit our historic ships, explore under the sea in our Underwater World, enjoy the year-round Resort Centre - the possibilities are endless.
And once you’ve had a taste of what the town has to offer, why not hop on the luxury cruise vessel Solent Enterprise and enjoy a leisurely day trip to the beautiful Isle of Wight?
D Oxford
Oxford has a timeless beauty which is found at every twist and turn of this ancient university city: in the soft golden stone of the college buildings and the peaceful courtyards and gardens. There is so much to see and do in Oxford. Take the “Guide Friday” open-top bus tour to see 25 of the 35 colleges - it leaves every 15 minutes and one ticket lasts all day. Or explore on foot-guided walking tours start at the information centre. Get a bird’s eye panorama of the whole city from the top of St Mary’s. Take a journey through time at the unique Oxford Story exhibition in Broad Street. And then there are the shops. Lose yourself in famous Blackwell’s bookshop in Broad Street - with the largest display of books for sale in one room anywhere in the world. The Gallery at Gloucester Green has a busy cosmopolitan atmosphere, with speciality shops, pavement cafes and street entertainers. And of course there are many big name shops too.
E Llangollen
For six days every July, Llangollen becomes the cultural centre of the world, attracting choirs, musicians, folk singers and dancers from all continents. Over 40 different countries are represented with colourful national costumes, taking part in daily competitions and performing in evening concerts. But if you are more of the outdoor type, why not try riding the rapids? Experience the excitement of white water rapids on the River Wild. All equipment can be hired. Llangollen is also a centre for outdoor clothing and equipment for climbing, walking, mountain biking and camping. From Llangollen wharf you can embark on a 45-minute horse drawn boat trip along the river or, on certain days, you can go for a longer journey on the Thomas Telford, which has refreshments on board to add to your enjoyment.

История Йорка простирается до римских времен. Немногие города выглядят как совершенно средневековые, как Йорк, поскольку многие здания оставались более или менее неизменными на протяжении веков. С его древними деревянными домами и узкими извилистыми улочками весь город выделяет атмосферу истории. Сегодня эти улицы содержат увлекательное множество магазинов. Йорк был назван «городом церквей», поскольку в стенах города существует не менее 17 церквей дореформации. Гордость Йорка - огромный и великолепный Минстер, возвышающийся над всем городом. Считается, что он содержит самую большую площадь средневекового цветного стекла в мире. Если вы не хотите участвовать в групповом туре, есть кассеты - в комплекте с Sony Walkman - которые расскажут вам все о городе.
B Довер
Белые скалы Дувра знакомы миллионам путешественников. Довер, шлюз в Великобританию, является самым загруженным паромным портом в Европе. В прошедшие времена в городе принимали участие короли, армии, паломники и всевозможные путешественники. Древние памятники и руины свидетельствуют о долгой и увлекательной истории Довера, и сегодня город предлагает много интерес для посетителей круглый год. В прекрасный день сама гавань предлагает отличные прогулки. Особенно рекомендуется пирс Принца Уэльского, в конце которого вы найдете место для просмотра с великолепным видом на весь порт, белые скалы и замок Довер. С двух прямых поездов каждый час из Лондона Виктория и Лондон Чаринг-Кросс, Дувр идеально подходит для однодневной поездки из столицы.
C Портсмут
Это особый год для Портсмута. Исторический военный город отмечает свой 800-летний юбилей, и мы хотим, чтобы вы присоединились к партии! Помимо особых событий, таких как военные показы и парады, в Портсмуте всегда есть что-то делать. Посетите наши исторические корабли, исследуйте под морем в нашем подводном мире, наслаждайтесь круглогодичным курортным центром - возможности бесконечны.
И как только вы почувствовали, что может предложить город, почему бы не прыгнуть на роскошный круизный корабль Solent Enterprise и насладиться неторопливой однодневной поездкой на прекрасный остров Уайт?
D Оксфорд
Оксфорд имеет вневременную красоту, которая обнаруживается при каждом повороте этого древнего университетского города: в мягком золотом камне зданий колледжа и мирных дворах и садах. В Оксфорде есть что посмотреть. Возьмите автобусную экскурсию «Guide Friday», чтобы увидеть 25 из 35 колледжей - она ​​выходит каждые 15 минут, и один билет длится весь день. Или познакомьтесь с пешеходными экскурсиями, ведущими пешком, в информационном центре. Возьмите панораму птичьего полета всего города с вершины Святой Марии. Прогуляйтесь во времени на уникальной выставке Oxford Story на Брод-стрит. А потом есть магазины. Потеряйте себя в знаменитом книжном магазине Blackwell на Брод-стрит - с самым большим дисплеем книг для продажи в одной комнате в любой точке мира. В галерее Gloucester Green есть оживленная космополитическая атмосфера, специализированные магазины, кафетерий и уличные артисты. И, конечно, есть много крупных именных магазинов.
E Llangollen
В течение шести дней каждый месяц Лланголлен становится культурным центром мира, привлекающим хоров, музыкантов, народных певцов и танцоров со всех континентов. Более 40 различных стран представлены красочными национальными костюмами, участвуют в ежедневных конкурсах и выступают на вечерних концертах. Но если вы больше похожи на уличный тип, почему бы не попробовать верхом на порогах? Испытайте волнение белых порогов на реке Дикой. Все оборудование может быть нанято. Llangollen также является центром для наружной одежды и оборудования для лазания, ходьбы, езды на горных велосипедах и кемпинга. С причала Llangollen вы можете отправиться на 45-минутную прогулку на лодке по реке вдоль реки или, в определенные дни, вы можете отправиться на более длительное путешествие по Томасу Телфорду, на котором есть напитки на борту, чтобы добавить к вашему удовольствию

английский язык.
Write one word in each gap to complete the text.
The room 1 ) it all happens when you’re making a TV show is called the ’control room’. The people 2 ) work in the control room tell everyone else what to do, and the person 3)
is in charge of the control room is the director. That’s the job 4) I would most like to do.
You look at the screens 5) are in front of you and you decide which shots to use. You communicate through a microphone with the studio 6) the programme is being made and you tell the people 7) are controlling the cameras what to film next. There’s a lot of pressure to get it right, and the decisions 8) you make have to be the right ones. It’s tough, but It’s a very exciting career!

The room 1 ) where it all happens when you’re making a TV show is called the ’control room’. The people 2 ) who work in the control room tell everyone else what to do, and the person 3) who is in charge of the control room is the director. That’s the job 4) that I would most like to do. You look at the screens 5) which are in front of you and you decide which shots to use. You communicate through a microphone with the studio 6) where the programme is being made and you tell the people 7) who are controlling the cameras what to film next. There’s a lot of pressure to get it right, and the decisions 8) that you make have to be the right ones.

Complete the sentences (1-10) with the most suitable preposition (a-j): a) to b) out of c) on d) for e) at f) in g) with h) of i) to j) from. 1. I bought this computer ______ the start of the summer. 2. He signed the documents on behalf _______ his company. 3. She retired _______ the firm at the age of sixty. 4. With reference ________ your order, we apologize for the delay. 5. Nine _______ten ventures won’t make any return. 6. The location of a business is an important factor _______ its growth. 7. Employers offer jobs _______people with the right qualifications and experience. 8. A good employee always arrives _______ time. 9. We always insist on payment _______ advance. 10. Can you deal ________ this report in time for the meeting?

1. punctual a) encourage other people to work well
2. motivating b) shy and nervous; without much
3. state-run c) managed by the government
4. valuable d) like to be on time
5. timid e) important or worth money
6. creative f) good at making things work
7. practical g) want to reach the top in their career
8. hard-working h) have a lot of new ideas
9. sociable i) like to spend time with other people
10. ambitious j) spend a lot of time doing a good job

Complete the sentences (1- 9) with the words (a-i): a) job b) description c) pension d) recession e) decline f) employees g) export h) credit i) training. 1. The industry has been in………. for decades. 2. They’ve purchased all sorts of equipment on ………. 3. People leave if they want to find a better………. 4. A skilled worker has special ………. or knowledge to do a job. 5. When we apply for a job, things like pay and …………. can be important. 6. Many modern ………. want jobs that give them enough free time. 7. A product …………contains details about its special features. 8. The retail sector is now in………. 9. Most of their crops are grown for …….

1. The industry has been in…e) decline…. for decades.
2. They’ve purchased all sorts of equipment on …h) credit.
3. People leave if they want to find a better…a) job….
4. A skilled worker has special … i) training.…. or knowledge to do a job.
5. When we apply for a job, things like pay and …c) pension…. can be important.
6. Many modern … f) employees…. want jobs that give them enough free time.
7. A product … b) description…contains details about its special features.
8. The retail sector is now in…    d) recession.
9. Most of their crops are grown for … g) export.

1. A personal data sheet is a form that has information about you that an employer might want to see.
2. Practice printing your answers on a blank paper before you write on the form.
3. Use a dictionary to make sure that you spell correctly.
4. A completed job application provides the employer the answers to questions about your education and work experience.
5. The answers to unstated but important questions tell him about your ability to work neatly, spell correctly and provide accurate and complete data.
6. A resume is an individualized, written summary of your personal, educational and experience qualifications.
7. If you are looking for a professional, technical, administrative, or
managerial job, you will need a resume.
8. A resume is like a written sales presentation.
9. An effective resume creates a favourable impression of you while
presenting your abilities and experience.
10. Make a complete and accurate record of every job you have had.
11. For each job include the dates and places you worked, your duties, and the name of your supervisor.
12. You should list your most recent job first and your first job last.
13. Try to give US equivalent for foreign terms, including job titles, university degrees, and (translations of) publications and companies.
14. Also, give specific information about foreign work experience, including cities and countries and a description of your exact duties.

1. Личный листок данных - это форма, в которой есть информация о вас, которую может пожелать работодатель.
2. Практика печати ваших ответов на пустой бумаге, прежде чем писать в форме.
3. Используйте словарь, чтобы убедиться, что вы правильно произнесли.
4. Заполненная заявка на работу предоставляет работодателю ответы на вопросы о вашем образовании и опыте работы.
5. Ответы на неустановленные, но важные вопросы говорят ему о вашей способности работать аккуратно, правильно писать и предоставлять точные и полные данные.
6. Резюме - это индивидуальное, письменное резюме вашей личной, образовательной и квалификационной квалификации.

Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. The first letter is given for you.
0. Tea and coffee contain a lot of c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (caffeine).
1. In my opinion the best way to l_ _ _ weight is
to eat vegetables and exercise regularly.
2. Would you like a f_ _ _ _ or boiled egg for breakfast?
3. Mix the butter and cheese and stir on a low heat until the cheese m_ _ _ _.
4. Milk contains a lot of p_ _ _ _ _ _, fat and calcium.
5. I’m afraid you’ve added too much pepper – it’s very s_ _ _ _ now.
6. Take the cake out of the oven and s_ _ _ _ _ the nut mixture over the top of the cake.
7. I often f_ _ _ sick when I eat too much.
8. Can I have some more sugar, please? My tea is not s_ _ _ _ enough.

1. lose 2. fried 3. melts 4. protein 5. spicy 6. spread 7. fall 8. sweet

1. In my opinion the best way to Lose weight is to eat vegetables and exercise regularly. 2. Would you like a fried or boiled egg for breakfast? 3. Mix the butter and cheese and stir on a low heat until the cheese melts. 4. Milk contains a lot of protein, fat and calcium. 5. I’m afraid you’ve added too much pepper – it’s very spicy now. 6. Take the cake out of the oven and sprinkle the nut mixture over the top of the cake. 7. I often feel sick when I eat too much. 8. Can I have some more sugar, please? My tea is not sweet enough.

Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences and write them down.
2) We (play) snowballs as soon as there (be) a lot of snow.
3) After my mother (iron) the new dress, I (wear) it.
4) If she (do) everything right, nothing dangerous (happen).
5) As soon as autumn (come), it (rain) a lot.
6) If Bob (train) a lot, he (win) the game.
7) Nick (put) on his pyjamas before he (go) to bed.
8) Mary (sing) the song after she (remember) the words.
9) If Ben (become) rich, he (buy) a new house.
10) As soon as father (come) home, he (take) off his raincoat.

Use the right verb forms to complete the sentences and write them down. 
2) We will play snowballs as soon as there is a lot of snow. 
3) After my mother irons the new dress, I will wear it.
4) If she does everything right, nothing dangerous will happen.
5) As soon as autumn comes, it will rain a lot. 
6) If Bob trains a lot, he will win the game. 
7) Nick will put on his pajamas before he goes to bed. 
8) Mary will sing the song after she remembers the words. 
9) If Ben becomes rich, he will buy a new house. 
10) As soon as father comes home, he will take off his raincoat.