Task 2. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.
1 Sheila. (go) to the bazaar. She’ll be back in an hour.
2 You look sweaty! (you/work) out?
3 How much. (Helen/spend) on her English books?
4 The house smells wonderful! (Mum/bake) a cake?
5 How long. (Tom/save) to buy a new PC?
6 Robin. (never/be) abroad.
7 He. (work) very hard recently. He needs some time off.
8 We. (not/buy) all our Christmas presents yet.
9 Joy. (clean) the house since 9 o’clock. Can you give her a hand?
10. (you/ever/eat) Thai food?
Напишите, подробно, почему вставили те или иные слова (форму)

1 Sheila has gone to the bazaar. She’ll be back in an hour. (важен результат в настоящем короткого действия – ее сейчас нет дома, она ушла)
2 You look sweaty! Have you been working out? (налицо результат длительного действия)
3 How much has Helen spent on her English books? (действие произошло в прошлом и является значимым для момента речи – сколько она потратила на книги)
4 The house smells wonderful! Has Mum been baking a cake? (налицо результат длительного действия)
5 How long has Tom been saving to buy a new PC? (интересует результат длительного действия)
6 Robin has never been abroad. (опыт человека, факт из жизни)
7 He has been working very hard recently. He needs some time off. (недавнее длительное действие, закончившееся к моменту речи)
8 We haven’t bought all our Christmas presents yet. (важен результат в настоящем – еще не купили подарки)
9 Joy has been cleaning the house since 9 o’clock. Can you give her a hand? (длительное действие, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается в настоящее время)
10 Have you ever eaten Thai food? (опыт человека, факт из жизни)

Complete the sentences with few, a few, little, a little and with one of the words below.
French ■ times ■ milk ■ chairs ■ salt ■ ideas ■ sugar ■ money
1. Can I have _________ ____________ in my soup please?
2. Does Jane speak any foreign languages? — Yes, English and____________________ _____________________________
3. We’ve got _______ _________, I have almost nothing to give the eat.
4. There wasn’t much furniture in the flat, some beds, a table and _________________ ______________________________
5. Have you ever been to Liverpool? — Yes, ____________ _____________
6. Can you help me with the project? I have______________ ______________ left.
7. They can buy nothing because they have _____________ ___________________
8. She is so thin, she eats______________ _________________________
9. Is there any __________in the bottle? — Yes, ___________________________ _____________________________________________

Заполните предложения несколькими, несколькими, немного, немного и одним из следующих слов.
Французский ■ раз ■ молоко ■ стулья ■ соль ■ идеи ■ сахар ■ деньги
1. Могу ли я иметь ______соль___ ____________ в супе,2. Говорит ли Джейн на каких-либо иностранных языках? Да, английский и ______Французский______________ _____________________________
3. У нас есть ____идеи ___ _________, я почти ничего не могу поесть. 4. В квартире было мало мебели, кровати, стол и _____стулья ____________ ______________________________
5. Вы когда-нибудь были в Ливерпуле? Да, ____раз ________ _____________
6. Можете ли вы помочь мне с проектом? Я ушел. 7. Они ничего не могут купить, потому что у них есть ___деньги__________ ___________________8. Она такая худая, она ест ______сахар________________ _________________________9. Есть ли в бутылке ___молоко _______? Да, _________________

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with some/any/no.
1. ____ girl wants to get married.
2. There is ____milk in the cup, but it is very cold.
3. Fortunately there are ____ cars in this area.
4. There is ____ bread on the table. I can’t make sandwiches.
5. Are there ___ oranges in the bag?
6. You can catch ____of these buses.
7. There isn’t ______ cheese in the fridge.
8. There are______ flowers in the vase. They are red.
9. ________ vegetable is useful for your health.
10. There are ______ carrots in the fridge. I can’t make soup.
11. There is ______ coffee in the cup, but it is very hot.
12. Is there ______ cheese in the fridge?
13. There isn’t ______ juice in the glass.
14. There are ______ grapes on the plate. They are green.
15. They’ve got ______ buns in this shop.
16. I’d like ________ potatoes, please.
17. Have you got ______ ice-cream?
18. There aren’t ___________ boys in the team!
19. There are ___________ video shops in the town!
20. This is a terrible party. There isn’t ________ good music!
21. I’ve got ___________ posters of Ricky Martin.
22. ____ of my classmates speak French.
23. Have you got ___________ posters of Britney Spears?
24. ’Sit down, please.’ ’But there aren’t ___________ chairs!’
25. There is ______ milk in the fridge. Go to the shop and buy ______.
26. I can see______ tomatoes in the bag. Let’s make______ salad.
27. There aren’t ______cucumbers in the fridge.
28. Would you like ______tea?
29. There are a lot of shops at _____ beach of this health resort.
30. Give me, please, ___________ juice.
31. Is there ______cheese on the shelf?
32. There is _______ tea in the crystal glass, but it is very hot.
33. There is _______ fresh milk in the fridge. I can’t make porridge.
34. Are there ________ tasty apples in the bag?
35. There isn’t _______ jam on the round plate.
36. There are _______ bananas on the wooden table. They are yellow.
37. There is ________ butter on the plate.
38. There is ________ cheese on the table, but there’re ____________ cheese sandwiches.
39. There isn’t _________ sausage on the table.
40. There are ____________ potatoes in the bag.
41. There aren’t ______________ bananas on the table, but there are ________ cucumbers there.
42. Would you like _______________ beer?

1. ___any_ girl wants to get married.
2. There is __some__milk in the cup, but it is very cold.
3. Fortunately there are __no__ cars in this area.
4. There is __no__ bread on the table. I can’t make sandwiches.
5. Are there __any_ oranges in the bag?
6. You can catch __any__of these buses.
7. There isn’t ___any___ cheese in the fridge.
8. There are____some__ flowers in the vase. They are red.
9. _____any___ vegetable is useful for your health.
10. There are ___no___ carrots in the fridge. I can’t make soup.
11. There is ___some___ coffee in the cup, but it is very hot.
12. Is there ____any__ cheese in the fridge?
13. There isn’t ____any__ juice in the glass.
14. There are ___some___ grapes on the plate. They are green.
15. They’ve got ___no___ buns in this shop.
16. I’d like ____some____ potatoes, please.
17. Have you got ___any___ ice-cream?
18. There aren’t _____any______ boys in the team!
19. There are _______no____ video shops in the town!
20. This is a terrible party. There isn’t _____any___ good music!
21. I’ve got ______some_____ posters of Ricky Martin.
22. __some__ of my classmates speak French.
23. Have you got ______any_____ posters of Britney Spears?
24. ’Sit down, please.’ ’But there aren’t ______any_____ chairs!’
25. There is ______ milk in the fridge. Go to the shop and buy __some____.
26. I can see___some_ tomatoes in the bag. Let’s make___some___ salad.
27. There aren’t ___any___cucumbers in the fridge.
28. Would you like ___some___tea?
29. There are a lot of shops at __any___ beach of this health resort.
30. Give me, please, ____some_______ juice.
31. Is there ___any___cheese on the shelf?
32. There is ___some____ tea in the crystal glass, but it is very hot.
33. There is ___no____ fresh milk in the fridge. I can’t make porridge.
34. Are there __any______ tasty apples in the bag?
35. There isn’t ___any____ jam on the round plate.
36. There are ____some___ bananas on the wooden table. They are yellow.
37. There is ___some_____ butter on the plate.
38. There is some cheese on the table, but there’re nocheese sandwiches.
39. There isn’t ____any_____ sausage on the table.
40. There are ______some______ potatoes in the bag.
41. There aren’t ______any________ bananas on the table, but there are _____some___ cucumbers there.
42. Would you like _______some________ beer?

Make complete sentences
1 Where. Bob Marley come from?
2 what. the names of the four Beatles?
3 when. the first World Cup take place?
4 why. Hollywood become famous?
5 Who. J.R.R. Tolkien?
6 How. Spiderman know that his friends were in danger?
7 Which famous books. J. K
Rowling write?

1. Where does Bob Marley come from? Откуда родом Боб Марли?
2. What were the names of the four Beatles? Как звали четверку из Битлз?
3. When did the first World Cup take place? Когда был проведен первый кубок Мира?
4. Why did Hollywood become famous? Почему Голливуд стал известным?
5. Who was J R R.Tolkien? Кто был
6. How did Spiderman know that his friends were in danger?
7. What famous books did J. K. Rowling write?

Use your ideas to complete the sentences use the past perfect or the past simple
. by that time
.by 5 p.m
.by Wednesday
.before the party
.by the end of the lesson
when I came.
when he phoned.
.before the concert began
.before the rain started
We couldn*t get into the house because.

What had she done by that time?
We had finished the work by 5 p.m.
She had read the book by Wednesday.
There was a concert before the party.
We had done all exercises by the end of the lesson.
When I came they had already decided where to go.
When he phoned we had already heard about the news.
We had looked through the booklets before the concert began.
They had reached the house before the rain started.
We couldn’t get into the house because we had lost the key.

Complete the sentences
1) Many. are popular in Kazakhstan
2) For many people.
3) Thousands of people go to.
4) There are different sporting societies and.
5) Kazakhstani sportsmen have won.
6) International and national competitions.
7) Horse racing is very.
8) My friend dreams of.
9) I also go in for.
10) My favourite king of sports is.

Many sports are popular in Kazakhstan 2) For many people sport is the main form of enternaiment3) Thousands of people go to the stadiumto support their favorite team and many thousands more wath the game of TV4) There are different sporting societies and amatuer clubs in the RK5) Kazakhstani sportsmen have won a great number of world records in gymnastics, judo, wrestking, athletics6) International and national matches attract many fans7) Horse racing is very populary8) My friend dreams of playing professional football9) I also go in for nothing10) My favourite king of sports is Gennady Golovkin

Complete the dialogue Ring, ring. Madina: Hello. Murod: Hi. Can I talk to Nilufar, please? Madina:. me, who’s this? Murod:. I’m her friend from school. Madina: Sorry, she is not at home. Murod: What’s. mibile phone number? Madina: It’s. Murod: Thanks, bye. Madina: OK,

Complete the dialogue ring, ring. Madina: Hello. Murod: Hi. Can I speak to Nilufar, please? Medina. :. Sorry. Tell me who it is? Murod:. Of course I’m her friend from school. Madina: unfortunately, she’s not at home. Murod: what is it? she has no mobile phone number? Madina: so, no. Murod: Thank you, goodbye. Madina: Ok, good bye.
Завершите кольцо диалога, кольцо. Мадина: Здравствуйте. Мурод: Привет. Могу я поговорить с Нилуфаром, Медина. :. Мне, кто это? Мурод:. Я ее подруга из школы. Мадина: к сожалению, она не дома. Murod: что такое? Мобильного номер телефона? Мадина: это так. Мурод: Спасибо, до свидания. Мадина: хорошо, хорошо.

1. If you could design a new shopping mall, what would you have have in it? Why?
2. Do you think shopping online will completely replace physical shopping in the future? Why? Why not?

1. If I could design a shopping mall I would put a food court in it and a cinema because after doing doing a lot of shopping people usually get hungry. A cinema is a good idea too because than the shopping mall would become a fun place to come with friends because you could go see a movie, eat and shop all in one place.
2. I don’t think online shopping will completely replace it because a lot of people like the experience of going to the store. Some people also like to look at the things they buy or try them on before they buy it.

Complete the email to your English pen-friend about your favourite film.
My favourite film is. It is a. film. It was directed by. It stars. The film is about. It is. and it has great. Don’t.

Lana, supernatural, good, Bobby Singer, Jared Padaleki /Jensen Acles, outside world, my favorite film, помощник(переведи), will scare

Hi Mike, 
My favourite film is the Gladiator. It is an action film. It was directed by Ridley Scott. It stars are Russell Crowe as Maximus, Joaquin Phoenix as Commodus, Connie Nielsen as Lucilla, Oliver Reed as Proximo. The film is about a Roman general who is betrayed by a power-hungry emperor’s son and must survive as a gladiator. It is one of the greatest movies of all time and it has great sound clips. Don’t miss the chance to watch this great film

Home task_7. Passive Voice.
1. Open the brackets to complete the sentences:
a. My home work (to do) recently.
b. When I came home the dishes already (to wash).
c. My tickets already (to buy).
d. When she came, this work already (to finish).
e. The floor already (to wash).
2. Make these sentences passive.
a. I have done my home work.
b. I have already read this book.
c. When my mum returned home, I had already written the letter.
d. When I finished this work, somebody had already washed the windows.
e. She has made this tasty cake.
3. Translate the sentences into English:
a. Ваза разбита.
b. Книга прочитана.
c. Когда я пришел домой, ужин был приготовлен.
d. Когда она купила билеты, фильм уже начался.

Ex. 1
a) has been done, b) had been already washed, c) have been already bought, d) had been already finished, e) have been already washed
Ex 2.
a) My home work have been done. b) This book has been already read. c) When my mum returned home, my letter had been already written. d) When I finished this work, the windows had had been already washed. e) This tasty cake has been made (by her).
Ex. 3
1. The vase is broken. 2. The book is read. 3. When I came home, the supper had been cooked. 4. When she bought tickets, the movie had already started. Это правильный перевод, но это предложение не в Passive vioce. Для Passive voice оно будет выглядеть так - When she bought tickets, the movie had been already started.