Match the words and complete the sentences with the word combinations.
1) computer a) behaviour
2) current b) data
3) advertise c) humiliated
4) shameless d) new plays
5) save e) network
6) important f) keyboard
7) multicultural g) media
8) global h) society
9) feel i) dead
10) shoot j) service
11) security k) time
12) mass l) events
1) We live in a. which includes people of different nationalities. 2) All this
time he has been telling me lies and he isn’t even sorry about his. 3) Online
shopping can help you to.; you may find it very useful. 4) I found this. on
one of the Internet sites. 5). is a government organization whose work is very
important for the country. 6) The. helps people to communicate with each
other. 7) I don’t want to. animals. I’ve never liked the idea. 8) Radio, television and newspapers are traditionally included into. 9) More and more
people learn about the. from the Internet preferring it to TV or newspapers.
10) They don’t often. on television. 11) I’m surprised Steve doesn’t. after
he lost his job. 12) There are only Latin letters on this

1) We live in a 7) multicultural h) society which includes people of different nationalities.
2) All this time he has been telling me lies and he isn’t even sorry about his 4) shameless a) behaviour.
3) Online shopping can help you to 5) save k) time; you may find it very useful.
4) I found this  6) important b) data on one of the Internet sites.
5) 11) Security j) service is a government organization whose work is very important for the country.
6) The 8) global e) network helps people to communicate with each other.
7) I don’t want to 10) shoot animals i) dead, I’ve never liked the idea.
8) Radio, television and newspapers are traditionally included into 12) mass g) media.
9) More and more people learn about the  2) current  l) events from the Internet preferring it to TV or newspapers.
10) They don’t often 3) advertise d) new plays on television.
11) I’m surprised Steve doesn’t  9) feel c) humiliated after he lost his job.
12) There are only Latin letters on this 1) computer f) keyboard.

9.1 ) Write the short form with got (we’ve got) / he hasn’t got ete.)
1) we have got.
2) he has got.
3) they have got.
4) she has not got.
5) it has got.
6) I have not got.
9.3) Wtite these sentences with got (I’ve got / have you got ete.).The meaning is the same.
1)They have two children.
2) She doesn’t have a key.
3) He has a new job.
4)They don’t have much money.
5) Do you have an umbrella?
6)We have a lot of work to do.
7)I don’t have your phone number.
8) Does your father have a car?
9) How much money do we have?
9.4) Wtite have got (’ve got), has got(’s got), haven’t got or hasn’t got.
2)They like animals. They. three dogs and two cats.
3) Charles isn’t happy. He. a lot of problems.
4)They don’t read much. They. many books.
5)’What’s wrong?’ ’I. something in my eye.’
6)’Where’s my pen?’ ’I don’t know. I. it.’
7) Julia wants to go to the concert, but she. a ticket.
9.5) Complete the sentences. Use have/has got or haven’t/hasn’t got with: a lot of friends, four wheels, six legs, much time, a key.
1)Most cars.
2) Everybody likes Tom. He.
3) I can’t open the door. I.
4) An insect.
5)We must hurry. We.

1) We’ve got
2) He’s got
3) The’ve got
4) She hasn’t got
5) It’s got
6) I haven’t got
1) They’ve got two children.
2) She hasn’t got a key.
3) He’s got a new job.
4) They haven’t got much money.
5) Have you got an umbrella?
6) We’ve got a lot of work to do.
7) I haven’t got your phone number.
8) Has your father got a car?
9) How much money have we got?
2) They’ve got three dogs and two cats.
3) He’s got a lot of problems.
4) They haven’t got many books.
5) I’ve got something in my eye.
6) I don’t know. I haven’t got it.
7) Julia wants to go to the concert, but she hasn’t got a ticket.
1) Most cars have got four wheels.
2) Everybody likes Tom. He’s got a lot of friends.
3) I can’t open the door. I haven’t got a key.
4) An insect has got six legs.
5) We must hurry. We haven’t got much time.

Have got/Has got
Complete the sentences
1. She ________ long hair.
2. We ________ short hair.
3. You ________ big eyes.
4. My dog ________ big ears.
5. They ________ black hair.
1. She ________ long hair.
2. We ________ short hair.
3. You ________ big eyes.
4. My dog ________ big ears.
5. They ________ black hair.
1. __________ Mark __________ a CD?
2. __________ he __________ a watch?
3. __________ Nina __________ a computer?
4. __________ Linda __________ a book?
5. __________ Peter and Lisa __________ videos?
6. __________ they __________ bicycles?
Complete the sentences
1. I _________ some apples.
2. I _________ (not) any shoes.
3. He _________ a new car.
4. They _________ (not) a new car.
5. How many children ________ he ______?
6. We _________ (not) a dog.
7. I _________ (not) any food.
8. They _________ some fruit.
9. She _________ (not) any friends.
10. I´m busy, I _________ (not) a lot of time.
11. This flat is great, it ________ a lot of space.
12. What ________ you ________?
13. ________ you ________ a pencil?
14. We ________ (not) any fruit.
15. They ________ (not) much money.
16. They ________ a lot of happiness.
17. We ________ (not) a new computer.
18. Málaga ________ a lot of nice hotels.
19. He ________ (not) any problems.
20. Madrid ________ many old buildings.
21. ________ you ________ an aspirin?
22. I ________ (not) any cigarettes.
23. ________ you ________ brothers and sisters?
24. Kim ________ a new watch.
25. ________ you ________ you plane ticket?
1. I _______ a house in the country.
2. _______ you _______ a cold?
3. She _______ 5000 euros in the bank.
4. He _______ four beautiful daughters.
5. They _______ three kids.
6. Peter _______ Internet.
7. Mark _______ a cat called Monkey.

Complete the sentences
1. She HAS GOT long hair.
2. We HAVE GOT short hair.
3. You HAVE GOT big eyes.
4. My dog HAS GOT big ears.
5. They HAVE GOT black hair.
1. She HASN’T GOT long hair.
2. We HAVEN’T GOT short hair.
3. You HAVEN’T GOT big eyes.
4. My dog HASN’T GOT big ears.
5. They HAVEN’T GOT black hair.
1. HAS Mark GOT a CD?
2. HAS he GOT a watch?
3. HAS Nina GOT a computer?
4. HAS Linda GOT a book?
5. HAVE Peter and Lisa GOT videos?
6. HAVE they GOT bicycles?
Complete the sentences
1. I HAVE GOT some apples.
2. I HAVN’T GOT (not) any shoes.
3. He HAS GOT a new car.
4. They HAVEN’T GOT (not) a new car.
5. How many children HAS he GOT?
6. We HAVEN’T GOT (not) a dog.
7. I HAVEN’T GOT (not) any food.
8. They HAVE GOT some fruit.
9. She HASN’T GOT (not) any friends.
10. I´m busy, I HAVEN’T GOT (not) a lot of time.
11. This flat is great, it HAS GOT a lot of space.
12. What HAVE you GOT?
13. HAVE you GOT a pencil?
14. We HAVEN’T GOT (not) any fruit.
15. They HAVEN’T GOT (not) much money.
16. They HAVE GOT a lot of happiness.
17. We HAVEN’T GOT (not) a new computer.
18. Málaga HAS GOT a lot of nice hotels.
19. He HASN’T GOT (not) any problems.
20. Madrid HAS GOT many old buildings.
21. HAVE you GOT an aspirin?
22. I HAVEN’T GOT (not) any cigarettes.
23. HAVE you GOT brothers and sisters?
24. Kim HAS GOT a new watch.
25. HAVE you GOT you plane ticket?
1. I HAVE GOT a house in the country.
2. HAVE you GOT a cold?
3. She HAS GOT 5000 euros in the bank.
4. He HAS GOT four beautiful daughters.
5. They HAVE GOT three kids.
6. Peter HAS GOT Internet.
7. Mark HAS GOT a cat called Monkey.

1. Complete the text. Use the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs.
"I ____ (Drive) into town one day last week when I ____ (See) a house on fire. I ____ (stop) the car and ____ (See) Three people outside the house. They ____ (Shout) and one person (Cry). There ____ (Be) a woman inside the house. I ____ (not have) my mobile phone, but luckily a fire engine soon ____ (arrive)"
2. Complete The Sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjectives.
- Mount Everest/Mount Fuji (High)
- Mobile Phones/Computers (Cheap)
- Alaska/Romeo (Cold)
- Hollywood film stars/nurses (Rich)
- The Eiffel tower/Big Ben (Tall)
3. Complete the sentences. Use Isn’t/aren’t as. as and the adjective.
- Mouse/Elephant (Big)
- Buses/Planes (Fast)
- English/Chinese (Difficult)
- Children/Adults (Tall)
- Digital Cameras/Computers (Expensive)
4. Complete The Sentences. (Quick, easy, bad, good, fluent)
1. My Best friend speaks english _____
2. I Passed the history exam ____
3. I Can’t understand him. He talks too ____
4. The Play was a disaster. The actors acted very ____
5. Liverpool played really ____ yesterday. They Won 5-0

"I WAS DRIVING into town one day last week when I SAW a house on fire. I STOPPED the car and SAW three people outside the house. They WERE SHOUTING and one person WAS CRYING. There WAS a woman inside the house. I DIDN’T HAVE my mobile phone, but luckily a fire engine soon ARRIVED"
- Mount Everest IS HIGHER THAN Mount Fuji 
- Mobile Phones ARE CHEAPER THAN Computers 
- Alaska IS COLDER THAN Rome
- Hollywood film stars ARE RICHER THAN nurses
- The Eiffel tower IS TALLER THAN Big Ben
- Mouse ISN’T AS BIG AS Elephant 
- Buses AREN’T AS FAST AS Planes
- English ISN’T AS DIFFICULT AS Chinese
- Children AREN’T AS TALL ASAdults 
- Digital Cameras AREN’T AS EXPENSIVE AS Computers 
1. My Best friend speaks English FLUENTLY
2. I Passed the history exam EASILY
3. I Can’t understand him. He talks too QUICKLY
4. The Play was a disaster. The actors acted very BADLY
5. Liverpool played really WELL yesterday. They Won 5-0

1. Match the words/phrases to their definition. ID A. machine that signals danger beach volleyball. B. fun activities on the computer alarm system. C. look for information on the computer computer games D. identification surf the Net E. a sport 2. Complete the sentences with the correct word. • heavy • cost • helpful • crowded • peace Her cousin hates driving in ______ traffic. John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and _____people. The streets in Birmingham are very ______. He likes living in the city, but he doesn’t like the high ____of living. They love country for _____ and quiet. 3. Fill in the correct preposition. after • into • on • out • over Keep your mobile phones switched _____ at night. I ran _____ of bread, so I can buy it after work. My sister and her friends hang _____ at the shopping centre on Saturdays. Ann ran ___ an old friend at the supermarket yesterday. We saw two policemen running _____ a robber 4. Read the text and mark the sentences T(true) or F(false) Fires that happen in the home are a very serious problem today. In America, there are over 100,000 home fires every year and many start in the kitchen. There are a lot of things you can do to protect your house from fire. First of all, you need to follow a few safety rules. You should never leave the kitchen while you are cooking. It’s also a bad idea to wear loose clothes when you cook. Always keep the cooking area clean and don’t let children come very close to the cooker. It is also important to know what to do if a fire starts. If a pan catches fire, don’t throw water on it! Put a blanketover it and turn off the heat. If the fire doesn’t go out, call the fire brigade. If a fire starts inside the oven, keep the door shut and turn it off. If you burn yourself, run cold water over the burn. Finally, install a smoke alarm and learn how to use it. Also, know the number of your fire brigade by heart. It’s better to be safe than sorry. In America, there are more than 100,000 home fires a year. Call the fire brigade if a fire doesn’t go out right away. Children should stay close to the cooker. A lot of home fires start in kitchens. You should keep your cooking area clean.

1. Сопоставьте слова / фразы с их определением. ID A. Машина, сигнализирующая о пляжном волейболе. B. Забавные действия в компьютерной системе сигнализации. C. Искать информацию о компьютерных компьютерных играх D. Идентификация серфинга в сети E. Спорт 2. Завершить предложения с правильным словом. • тяжелая • стоимость • полезная • переполненная • мир. Ее двоюродный брат ненавидит вождение в ______ движении. Джон живет в стране, потому что ему нравятся дружелюбные и _____ люди. Улицы в Бирмингеме очень ______. Ему нравится жить в городе, но ему не нравится высокий уровень жизни. Они любят страну для _____ и тишины. 3. Заполните правильный предлог. После • в • вкл • выкл. • Перемещайте свои мобильные телефоны _____ ночью. Я побежал _____ хлеба, поэтому я могу купить его после работы. Моя сестра и ее друзья висят _____ в торговом центре по субботам. Вчера Энн побежала ___ старого друга в супермаркете. Мы видели, как двое полицейских бежали _____ разбойника. 4. Прочтите текст и отметьте предложения T (true) или F (false). Пожары, которые происходят в доме, сегодня являются очень серьезной проблемой. В Америке ежегодно производится более 100 000 домашних пожаров, и многие начинают работать на кухне. Есть много вещей, которые вы можете сделать, чтобы защитить свой дом от огня. Прежде всего, вам нужно следовать нескольким правилам безопасности. Вы никогда не должны покидать кухню во время приготовления. Это также плохая идея носить свободную одежду, когда вы готовите. Всегда держите кулинарию чистой и не позволяйте детям очень близко подойти к плите. Также важно знать, что делать, если начинается огонь. Если кастрюля поймает огонь, не бросайте на него воду! Положите на него одеяло и выключите огонь. Если огонь не погаснет, вызовите пожарную бригаду. Если в духовке начинается огонь, держите дверцу закрытой и выключите. Если вы сожжете себя, прогоните холодную воду над ожогом. Наконец, установите дымовую сигнализацию и узнайте, как ее использовать. Кроме того, наизусть знать номер вашей пожарной бригады. Лучше быть в безопасности, чем сожалеть. В Америке насчитывается более 100 000 домашних пожаров в год. Позвоните в пожарную бригаду, если огонь не исчезнет сразу. Дети должны оставаться рядом с плитой. Много домашних пожаров начинаются на кухнях. Вы должны держать свою кухню в чистоте.

I. Complete the sentences with the following words:
creeps advanced terrific cheat jealous mind fix care flavor smart dumb harm show off queue vanish dormitory solid complicated relieve warn drone on force tickle
1) Don’t …… me! I don’t like it.
2) This ring is made of ……. gold.
3) You should ……. him against these people.
4) “To ……” is a synonym of “to disappear”.
5) There was a long …… at the entrance to the cinema.
6)The task is too easy for such. students as you.
7)I don’t. for horror films.
8)The criminal was. and the police couldn’t catch him for a long time.
9)I don’t. going there alone.
10)I’m sorry.I meant no.
11)Such stories give me the.
12)I don’t believe you. You are a.

Creeps Продвинутый потрясающий обманщик ревнивый ум исправить уход аромат умный глухой вред показать очередь очередь исчезнуть общежитие твердый сложный сброс предупредить гул на силе щекотать
1) Не. Я! Мне это не нравится. 2) Это кольцо выполнено из. Золото. 3) Вы должны. Против этих людей. 4) «To.» - синоним «исчезнуть».5) У входа в кинотеатр был длинный. 6) Задача слишком проста для таких. Студентов, как вы. 7) Я не. Для фильмов ужасов. 8) Преступник был. И полиция не могла его поймать надолго. 9) Я не еду туда один. 10) Извини. Я не знала. 11) Такие истории дают мне. 12) Я тебе не верю. Ты.

8. Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the verb given. Use the present simple or continuous or
the present perfect or continuous.
1.I.the reports all morning, but I still.(photocopy, not finish)
2.I don’t want to spend a lot of money today because much as 1 can until l.on holiday, (save,
3.I remember meeting your brother last summer, but l.him this year. What.since then? (not see, do)
4.1.with my cousin in London. I.there before but he.there for several years, so he can
show me around, (stay, not be, live)
5. I’m sorry, I’m late.a long time? (you wait)
6. Why.for a little while? You.a break since we started work, (not rest, not have)
7. We.this stupid film since lunchtime. Let’s switch over to the other channel, (watch)
8. Jenny is really excited about going to Spain. She.there before, although she.Spanish for
several years. (not be, study)
9. Peter rarely.time to visit his parents these days, but he.lunch with them tomorrow because it’s
father’s birthday, (have, have)

1) was photocopying (all morning, (past)), havent finish yet (процесс не завершен)
2) am saving(процесс), am going(будущее)
3)I havent seen (процесс не завершен), has he(?) done (процесс)
4) stayed (обыч прош), haven been(результат), has been living (жил уже и сейчас живет)
5) Have you been (процесс)
6)didnt, havent had
7) have been watching
8)has not been, has been studing
9) has had, had

Variant 4
Exercise 1. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1) He __(remember) that he __(not/lock) the door. 2) I __(say) he __(write) the exercise last Monday. 3) The father __(want) to know who __(break) his favourite cup. 4) The students __(know) that we __(buy) a radio-set. 5) I __(come) late to school because I __(miss) the train. 6) When I __(arrive) at the party, Tom __already (go) home. 7) Her uncle __(say) that he __(lose) the key.
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using Past Perfect.
1) My sister was glad because… 2) I couldn’t pass my exam because… 3) I didn’t go to Moscow because … 4) My friend couldn’t go to the party because…
Exercise 3. Join the sentences using Past Simple and Past Perfect.
1) The cat ate all the sausages. before We came home. (before)
2) I read the book. Mary came. (when)
3) I did my homework. I went out for a walk. (after)
4) I arrived at the party. My brother went home. (when)

1. remembered / hadn’t locked
2. said / had written
3. wanted / had broken
4. knew / had bought
5. came / had missed
6. arrived /had already gone
7. said / had lost
1. because she had passed her exams successfully.
2. I had missed too many lessons.
3. I hadn’t got tickets.
4. ha hadn’t been invited.
1The cat had eaten all the sausages before we came home.
2. I had read the book when Mary came.
3. After I had done my work I went out for a walk.
4. When I arrived at the party my brother had gone home. ( When I had arrived at the party my brother went home. )

First or second conditional? Complete the sentences with a verb from the list in the correa form. can be catch not drive not eat not have look have not reduce see
2 If it wasn’t so windy, we____ have lunch in the garden. the price. 3 They’ll never sell their house if they_____ the price.4 If you____ James, tell him to phone me. I need to speak to him urgently. If l ____you I’d buy the black dress. It’s much more you. 5 If I ______a few more lessons. 6 He won’t pass his driving test if he____ a few more lessons. 7 If I_____ more time, I’d do it myself. 8 I _______ to work if public transport was better in this town. 9Gavin _____that soup if it has meat in it. He’s a strict vegetarian. 10 Your sister_______ much better if she cut her hair a bit shorter.

2 If it wasn’t so windy, we could have lunch in the garden. the price.
3 They’ll never sell their house if they do not reduce the price.
4 If you see James, tell him to phone me.
If l were you I’d buy the black dress.
5 If I had a few more lessons.
6 He won’t pass his driving test if he does not have a few more lessons.
7 If I had more time, I’d do it myself.
8 I would not drive to work if public transport was better in this town.
9 Gavin   will not eat that soup if it has meat in it.
10 Your sister would look  much better if she cut her hair a bit shorter.

Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
1) I’ll go out this weekend if.
2)If I’m hungry on the way home from school,
3)I’ll be happy tomorrow if.
4)If the weather is bad this weekend,
5)I won’t talk to my best friend if.
6)If I can’t watch TV tonight if.
7) I’ll make my own dinner tonight if.
8)If I can’t do my English homework,

1) I’ll go out this weekend if I do my homework
2) If I’m hungry on the way home from school, I will buy chips in the shop
3) I’ll be happy tomorrow if you go to the our party
4) If the weather is bad this weekend, I will sit at my sofa and read the book
5) I won’t talk to my best friend if he don’t complete the promises
6) If I can’t watch TV tonight, I will go to sleep
7) I’ll make my own dinner tonight if you bring certanly ingredients
8) If I can’t do my English homework, I will ask to help my freind