Complete these sentences using the pairs of words below:
how/help, call/later, name/from, afraid/in, wondering/help, calling/because,
speak/please, mine/referred, put/down, time/reach, let/transfer, this/speaking, sorry/was, remember/met, I’ll/message
1…can I…you?
2. I’m… …I need some information.
3 … me … you to Sales.
4. Would you like to … back …?
5. My … is Chris Robb … York Paper.
6. A colleague of …, Liz Peterson, … me to you.
7. I’m … she’s not … this week.
8. I could … you … for Friday afternoon.
9. …, your name …?
10. I’d like to … to Mark Chin, ….
11. … is Mark ….
12.You may not … me- we … last year.
13. I was … if you could … mt.
14. … give him the ….
15. What’s a good … to you?

1…can I…you? how/help
2. I’m… …I need some information. calling/because
3 … me … you to Sales.  let/transfer
4. Would you like to … back …? call/later
5. My … is Chris Robb … York Paper. name/from,
6. A colleague of …, Liz Peterson, … me to you. mine/referred
7. I’m … she’s not … this week. afraid/in.
8. I could … you … for Friday afternoon. put/down
9. …, your name …? sorry/was
10. I’d like to … to Mark Chin, …. speak/please
11. … is Mark …. this/speaking
12. You may not … me- we … last year. remember/met
13. I was … if you could … mr. wondering/help
14. … give him the …. I’ll/message
15. What’s a good … to. you? time/reach

Complete the sentences with article where it is necessary.
Fill "the" or "NA"
1. .United Kingdom consists of .Great Britain and .Northern Ireland. 2. .Pacific Ocean is very deep. 3. .Red Sea is between .Africa and .Asia. 4. .Russia is washed by.  Arctic Ocean. 5. Last year I was in .USA and saw.  Niagara Fall. 6. This winter we are going to ski in . Urals. 7. .Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. 8. There are many popular skiing resorts in. Alps. 9. .Everest is the highest peak on the Earth. 10. Some of my old friends live in. UK.

1 The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
2 The Pacific Ocean is very deep.
3 The Red Sea is between Africa and Asia.
4 Russia is washed by the Artic Ocean.
5 Last year I was in the USA and saw the Niagara Fall.
6 This winter we are going to ski in the Urals.
7 Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
8 There are many popular skiing resorts in the Alps.
9 Everest is the highest peak on the Earth.
10 Some of my old friends live in the UK.

Complete the sentences. If possible, use a tense of the verb get. Otherwise use the verb be.
1)I never found that book we were looking for.It.lost when we moved house
2)After the way he behaved last time he went to their house it ’s unlikely he. asked there again
3)Naturally this vase is expensive. After all, it.believed to be over three hundred years old.
4) I phoned to explain what had happened but. I. cut off before I could finish
5) There isn’t any cheese left; I’m afraid, it.eaten by the children
6)He was a well-known expert on animal diseases and his opinions. greatly respected
7)The competition is stiff and she’ll be thrilled if her design.chosen
8) The book.torn when the children started fighting over who should read it first
9)Please don’t touch anything on my desk.You.employed to answer the telephone, not to tidy the office
10) She was quite friendly at first, then she.promoted and now she dosn’t care about us any more

1) It was lost when we moved house.
2) After the way he behaved last time he went to their house it’s unlikely he will be asked to come there again.
3) After all, it is believed to be over three hundred years old.
4) I was cut off before I could finish.
5) I’m afraid, it has been eaten by the children.
6) He was a well-known expert on animal diseases and his opinions were greatly respected.
7) The competition is stiff and she’ll be thrilled if her design gets chosen.
8) The book got torn when the children started fighting over who should read it first.
9) You were employed to answer the telephone, not to tidy the office.
10) She was quite friendly at first, then she got promoted and now she doesn’t care about us any more.

Complete the sentences:
1.Primary schools are____
2.Infant schools are____
3.Junior schools_____
4.Comprehensive schools_____
5.Grammar schools_____

1) Easy

A primary school is a school in which children recieve primary or elementary educarion
An infant school is for the education between the ages of four and seven years.
A junior school is a type of school which provides primary education to children
A comprevensive school is a secondary school that is a state school and does not select its intake on the basic academic achievement or aptitude
A grammar school is one of  several  different types of school in the history of education in the United Kingdom

Describing The Four Seasons
Complete the Following sentences with the correct word:
ice cream
1)All the trees and plants are in.
2)The.start singing sweet songs.
3)The weather gets.
4)The trees bring new.on their branches.
5)Swarms of.rush at the flowers.
6)Colorful.flu up the air.
1)The weather is.
2)The.are very long.
3)People wear shorts and.
4)Children love to go to have a bath into the sea.
5)Everyone loves to eat.
6)The fruits.and are ready to be eaten
1)Leaves trees.
2)The birds.southward.
3)The. are harvested.
4)The weather is cool and.and the days are getting shorter.
5)A new school year.
6)People wear raincoats and carry an.
1)A white layer of.covers the ground.
2)People wear thick coats.and boots.
3)The weather is very.
4)Children love making.
5)The.get longer.
6).dance in the air

1) All the trees and plants are in.bloom.
2)The.birds.start singing sweet songs.
3)The weather gets.warmer.
4)The trees bring new.leaves.on their branches.
5)Swarms of.bees.rush at the flowers.
6) up the air.
1)The weather
2)The.days.are very long.
3)People wear shorts and.sunglasses.
4)Children love to go to have a bath into the sea.
5)Everyone loves to eat. ice-cream.
6)The fruits.ripen.and are ready to be eaten
1)Leaves trees.
2)The birds. migrate.southward.
3)The. crops. are harvested.
4)The weather is cool and.rainy.and the days are getting shorter.
5)A new school year.bigins.
6)People wear raincoats and carry an.umbrella.
1)A white layer of.  snow.covers the ground.
2)People wear thick coats. gloves.and boots.
3)The weather is very.cold.
4)Children love making.snowmen.
5)The.nights.get longer.
6) in the air

Complete the sentences with the correct words.Some letters have been given.
1 A tour _u _d_ is a person who shows you round places and gives you information.
2 A holiday r_p_ _s_ _t_t_ _ _ _ _is someone from the travelcompany who helps you while you are on holiday.
3 At_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t is someone who is on holiday, or visitinga different area.
4 A p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _g r is someone who is using transport.5 A g_ _r_ is someone on a station platform who signals that trains can leave.6 A ticket i_ _ _ _ _ _c_ _r is someone who checks your ticketwhile you’re travelling.

1 A tour guide is a person who shows you round places and gives you information.
2 A holiday representative is someone from the travel company who helps you while you are on holiday.
3 A tourist is someone who is on holiday, or visiting a different area.
4 A passenger is someone who is using transport.
5 A guard is someone on a station platform who signals that trains can leave.
6 A ticket inspector is someone who checks your ticket while you’re travelling.

Complete these sentences with the verb combinations in a)
1. She. and bought some apples and bananas for her fruit salad.
2. In Russia the children start to.when they are six/
3. Last year a group of June. They visited France and Spain.
4. The weather was fine. They decided the park.
Match the verbs in A with their synonyms in B/
A) to recognise, to create, to borrow, to say, to start, to wish, to enjoy, to improve.
B)to make, to tell, to want, to take for some time, to like, to begin, to know, to get better.

1. She went shopping and bought some apples and bananas for her fruit salad.
2. In Russia the children start to go to school when they are six.
3. Last year a group of students went abroad in June. They visited France and Spain.
4. The weather was fine. They decided to go for a walk in the park.
A) to recognise - to know, to create - to make, to borrow - to take for some time, to say - to tell, to start - to begin, to wish - to want, to enjoy - to like, to improve - get better.

Complete the sentences with the pairs of words and then match with the responses to make the dialogues.
Complete the sentences.
1. Oh no! Have you got a. I’ve just. tomato juice all over your carpet.
2. Ouch! Have you got any. I’ve just. myself.
3. Have you got a. I need to. this phone number before I forget.
4. Have you got any. I’ve just. a mistake.
5. Have you got a. I want to know what "plumber".
Cloth, spilt
Pen, write down
Dictionary, means
Plasters, cut
correction fluid, made

Match the responses with the questions
Oh no! We haven’t got any. I’ll get you a cloth to put it on until it stops bleeding.
Don’t worry. I’ll do it. It’s an old carpet anyway.
Sorry, I haven’t got one. Tell me it and I’ll help you to remember it.
No, I haven’t but you don’t need to look it up. It’s the person who fixes taps and toilets and things like that.
Sorry, I haven’t. Just cross it out. It doesn’t matter.

1. Oh no! Have you got a Cloth? I’ve just spilt tomato juice all over your carpet.
2. Ouch! Have you got any Plasters? I’ve just  cut myself.
3. Have you got a Pen? I need to write down this phone number before I forget.
4. Have you got any correction fluid? I’ve just made a mistake.
5. Have you got a Dictionary? I want to know what "plumber" means.
1. Don’t worry. I’ll do it. It’s an old carpet anyway.
2. Oh no! We haven’t got any. I’ll get you a cloth to put it on until it stops bleeding.
3. Sorry, I haven’t got one. Tell me it and I’ll help you to remember it.
4. Sorry, I haven’t. Just cross it out. It doesn’t matter.5. No, I haven’t but you don’t need to look it up. It’s the person who fixes taps and toilets and things like that.

Complete the sentences with the time expressions from the list.
at the moment always yesterday every week last summer
I went to a beautiful exotic island.The weather was very hot.
My mother does the shopping.
I am working. I can not come with you.
She. brushes her teeth before she goes to bed at night.
He is upset because he failed his driving test.

1. last summer (Я ездил на прекрасный экзотический остров прошлым летом. Погода была очень жаркая. )
2. every week (Моя мама ходит по магазинам каждую неделю)
3. at the moment (Я работаю в данный момент. Я не могу пойти с тобой)
4. always (Она всегда чистит зубы перед тем, как пойти спать)
5. yesterday (Он расстроен, потому что он не сдал тест на вождение вчера)

1. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you don’t need.
demand side scrambled pinch stock cash fussy nourishing
1. Japanese put different food to the obento, so that their kids weren’t _______eaters.
2. She loves telling lies, so take her words with a ________ of salt.
3. This dish is very ____________ and has a lot of calories.
4. I would like a steak and a __________ salad.
5. This book is in great____________ and we have no it on sale at the moment.
2. Underline the correct item.
1. He’s been going off/through hard time but hope everything will be fine with him soon.
2. It’s not difficult to learn new words, indeed it’s a cup of tea/piece of cake.
3. Would you like a four-course/four-dishes meal tonight?
4. I’m afraid the soup has gone up/off, don’t eat it.
5. I hate eating out, I prefer a (an) undercooked/home cooked meal.
6 To make the best topping for pizza you have to grate/peel cheese.
7. Please don’t spill the beans/milk and don’t tell my secret to anyone.
8. I love pickled/mashed potatoes, not baked ones.
9. The new clothes shop has a great variety of clothes at very poor/low prices.
10. To make a cake you have to poach/beat eggs.
3. Underline the correct item.
1./The Neva runs through -/the Saint-Petersburg.
2. He can give you some good advice/advices as he is very clever.
3. He got his diploma few/a few years ago.
4. Where is Mike? He has been/gone to the bank and will be back soon.
5. Where is/are my clothes? They/it definitely was/were here.
6. There are/is great news for you today. You have won the first prize!
7. I usually go to the/-bed at about midnight.
8. How much/many spoons of sugar do you put in your tea?
9. We don’t have many/a lot of days off, working most of the time.
10. You must take these vitamins twice a/the day.
4. Put the words into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.
1. How many souvenirs you have been buying/have bought!
2. We have been shopping/have shopped for two hours…I can’t walk any longer.
3. Why do you look so tired? – I have practised/have been practising tennis.
4. How long have you studied/have you been studying English?
5. What have you been doing/have you done with you hair? It looks green!
5. Complete the sentences with much/many/(a) little/(a) few/a lot/plenty.
1. He isn’t very sociable. He has ________ friends.
2. There’s no need to hurry. We’ve got ________ of time.
3. She drinks ________ of tea.
4. We must be quick! We’ve ________ time.
5. I’m not busy these days. I haven’t got _________ to do.
6. I didn’t take _______ pictures on holiday.
7. I can’t tell you the final decision. I need __________time.

1. fussy
2. pinch
3. nourishing
4. scrambled
5. demand
1. through
2. piece of cake
3. four-course
4. off
5. home cooked
6 grate
7. beans
8. mashed
9. low
10. beat
2. advice
3. a few
4. gone
5. are, were
6. are
8. many
9. many
10. a
1. have bought
2. have been shopping
3. have practised
4. have you been studying
5. have you done
1. few
2. plenty
3. a lot
4. little
5. much
6. many
7. much
За правильность не ручаюсь, но я старалась. Отдельное спасибо за набор текста, а не просто фотку задания. Это значительно упрощает выполнение задание.