Задание 1. Look at the sentences. How do we compare things in English? When do we use as. as? When do we usethan? When do we use more/less + adjective?
Cows are as big as horses.
Seals arent as smart as dolphins.
Alligators are longer than lizards.
Snakes are more dangerous than spiders.
Spiders are less dangerous than snakes.
Задание 2. Complete this paragraph with much, many, a lot of, littleor few.
There are many or a lot of animals that are invaders, but perhaps there are 1).(вставить слово), if any, invaders that are worse than humans, 200000 years ago there were very 2). (вставить слово) humans. Now there are nearly six bilion of them. Unfortunately, there isnt 3).(вставить слово) information about the early history of this species, but it seems certain that the first humans came from Ethiopia in east Africa. After 4).(вставить слово) thousands of years humans were living on every continent on Earth. How 5).(вставить слово) damage have these invaders caused? They have destoyed 6).(вставить слово) native plants and animals. Before humans, there was 7).(вставить слово) pollution. Now, there is 8).(вставить слово) pollution and it is causing 9). (вставить слово) harm to the global environment. It seems that humans need to change things about their lifestyle if they want to survive

1) Коровы такие же большие, как лошади.
Тюлени не такие умные, как дельфины. Аллигаторы длиннее ящериц. Змеи более опасны, чем пауки. Пауки менее опасны, чем змеи.
Мы употребляем as. as когда хотим сказать такие же как, than (чем) когда хотим сказать чем (то есть сравниваем что-то с чем-то), more (более)/less(менее)+прилагательное
2) 3. There is a lot of
4. many
5. How much

70.3 Complete the sentences using verbs from C opposite.
1. The ferry crossing.
2. Use this cassette to record, it will.
3. These shoes have been great, they’ve.
4. Everyone got bored because the speeches.
5. The disaster occurred in 1932. Many years.
6. I’ll miss you terribly. I only hope the weeks.
7. There’s no hurry at all, just.

70.3. Завершите предложения, используя глаголы с противоположной стороны.
1. Паромный переезд.
2. Используйте эту кассету для записи, она будет.
3. Эти туфли были великолепны, они.
4. Все скучали, потому что речи.
5. Бедствие произошло в 1932 году. Много лет.
6. Я буду скучать по тебе ужасно. Я надеюсь только на недели.
7. Не торопитесь, просто.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. we. dinner if we arrive so late? (have) In case you. the piano, how will you practise? (sell) Sue will be unhappy if she. any present. (not get) I can lend you some money on condition that you. it back soon. (give) How. you. me know if you don’t take you mobile phone with you? (let) Even if I. to talk to him, he won’t listen. (try) It won’t be possible unless they. us. (support) If you. a bath, there will be no hot water left. (have) She won’t be slim if she. eating so much chocolate. (not stop) The tea. strong enough in case you don’t use three teabags. (not be)

Shall we have dinner if we arrive so late?
In case you sell the piano, how will you practise? 
Sue will be unhappy if she does not get any present.
I can lend you some money on condition that you give it back soon.
How will you let me know if you don’t take you mobile phone with you?
Even if I try to talk to him, he won’t listen. 
It won’t be possible unless they support us. 
If you have a bath, there will be no hot water left.
She won’t be slim if she does not stop eating so much chocolate.
The tea will not be strong enough in case you don’t use three teabags.

Complete the sentences using verbs from the table:
She. £ 10 beneath the sofa.
James. to the police to report the incident.
He. into the swimming pool twice.

1 She solved 10 beneath the sofa.
2 James drove to the police to report the incident.
3 He went into the swimming pool twice.
4 He told me the truth.
5 I watched the last episode of my favourite TV series yesterday.
6 She sent him a present by post.
7 Mary cried a lot when she heard the bad news.
8 Brian took the train to London.
9 She felt happy when she got her jewels back.
10 Peter dropped my mother’s antique vase. It broke into thousands of pieces.
11 Laura called her mother as soon as she arrived in Paris.
12 He stopped talking when I walked into the room.
13 She tried to stop the thief, but he got away.
14 She filled the glass with orange juice.
15 Miss Marple found many mysteries in St Mary Mead.
1 Она нашла 10 фунтов стерлингов под диваном.
2 Джеймс поехал в полицию доложить об инциденте
3 Он ходил в бассейн дважды
4 Он сказал мне правду
5 Я посмотрела последний эпизод моего любимого телесериала вчера.
6 Он отправила ему подарок по почте.
7 Мэри много плакала, когда узнала плохие новости.
8 Брайан сел на поезд до Лондона.
9 Она была счастлива, когда получила обратно свои украшения
10 Питер уронил антикварную вазу моей мамы. Она разбилась на тысячу кусочков.
11 Лаура позвонила своей маме, как только прибыла в Париж.
12 Он остановил рассказ, когда я зашла/зашел в комнату
13 Она пыталась остановить вора, но он убежал
14 Она наполнила стакан апельсиновым соком
15 Мисс Марпл обнаружила много тайн в Сант Мэри Миде

ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ И complete the sentences using: already just yet never ever for since recently lately today this week.
Have you________travelled by ship?
They havent packed their luggage________.
They have________ arrived at the airport.
Have you seen Oleg_______________?
Have you heard from Jane_______________?
They have________________ visited five foreign countries.
I am not sure he has ___________ caught flight 415.

Закончите предложения, используя: уже просто еще никогда за последнее время за последнее время на сегодня на этой неделе.
Есть ли у вас________путешествовал на корабле?
Они упаковали свой багаж________.
Они имеют________ прибыл в аэропорт.
Вы видели Олега_______________?
Вы слышали от Джейн_______________?
Они имеют________________ посетил пять зарубежных стран.
Я не уверен, что он имеет ___________ поймал маховик

Write complete sentences with the superlative from of the abjectives 1.intelligent/ animals/ ocean/dolphins.2.November/not/wet/ month.3. high/mountains/ Europe/ Alps.4. wolves/ not/ danger/ animals.5. rare/ bird/ Uk/ golden / eagle. 6. The Bosphorus/ not long/ river/ Turkey. Спасибо

Dolphins are the most intelligent animals in the ocean
2. November is not the wettest month
3. Alps are the highest mountains in Europe
4. Wolves are not the most dangerous animals
5. The rarest bird in the UK is golden eagle
6. The Bosporus isn’t the longest river in Turkey

1 Dolphins are the most intelligent oceanic animals.
2 November is not the wettest month.
3 The Alps are the highest mountains in Europe.
4 Wolves are not the most dangerous animals.
5 The rarest bird in the UK is the golden eagle.
6 The Bosporus isn’t the longest river in Turkey.

Complete the sentences with or have to/has to
1.Angela, tell your brother to harry up. He______
be at music school on time.
2. Listen, I want to speak with you about your argument with Tom.You______ tel me the truth.
3.The birthday cake is delicious. You ________ try a piece of it.
4. Why do you look so strange? Have you got a temperature? You _________ stay in bed and send for the doctor.
5.Mum, give me a black pen. I ______use a black pen at my Maths exam.

1. A manager has to be sociable and polite, doesn’t he? 
2. It’s hot and sunny. So I have to water my flowers every morning and afternoon. 
3. Do they have to wear a uniform at school? 
4. My friend has to go to school on Saturdays. He has got 5 lessons. 
5. Do I have to do all these exercises? They are really boring. 
6. Alice doesn’t have to feed her pets. Her mother has already fed them. 
7. Does each member have to speak English at the Explorers’ Club? 

Complete the phrases with the correct prepositions and then use them to complete the sentences.
look good ……….;
………. fashion;
………. a change;
appeal ……….;
pay attention ……….;
addicted …………. ;
popular ………….
This group are very ………… ……………. young people.
We always stay in. Why don’t we go out ………………………….
Bright colours are ………………………… this season.
On the one hand, I like this suit. But on the other, the colour ………….
……………………………. me.
You really …………………………………. this blue pullover. It matches your eyes.
Although I like playing football with my friends at weekends, I can’t say I ……………………………………. it.
He never ……………………………………… things which seem to be not so important.
! Все предложения перевести письменно.

This group are very popular with young people.
We always stay in. Why don’t we go out for a change?
Bright colours are in fashion this season.
On the one hand, I like this suit. But on the other, the colour appeals to me.
You really look good in this blue pullover. It matches your eyes.
Although I like playing football with my friends at weekends, I can’t say I am addicted to it.
He never pays attention to things which seem to be not so important.
Эта группа очень популярна среди молодежи.
Мы всегда остаемся дома. Почему бы нам не пойти куда-нибудь для разнообразия?
Яркие цвета в моде в этом сезоне.
С одной стороны, мне нравится этот костюм. Но с другой стороны, цвет  мне нравится.
Вы действительно хорошо выглядите в этом синем пуловере. Он идёт к вашим глазам.
Хотя я люблю играть в футбол с друзьями в выходные, я не могу сказать, что я помешан на нём.
Он никогда не обращает внимания на вещи, которые кажутся не очень важными.

Complete the sentences with have to, has to, had to, will have to. 1. Mr Robbins ____________ work hard, doesn’t he? I think, he does. But he likes his job. 2. Max, you are late! Please explain why. Sorry, I _________ go back home. I left my homework there. 3. Does your elder brother _________ get up early in the morning? Yes, he does. We live a long way from school. 4.During the Grat Patriotic War thousand of Russian teenagers _______________ leave school and begin working in factories and fileds. 5. Fiona didn’t come to my birthday. She ________ stay at home and take care of her little sister. 6. Does she _____ wear school uniform? Yes, she does. All the students wear it in her school. 7, Next week I __________ go to Manchester as a member of our school football team. 8. She ________ stay at home today because she needs to write her essay about one of the wonders of nature.

1. Mr Robbins has to work hard, doesn’t he? I think, he does. But he likes his job. 2. Max, you are late! Please explain why. Sorry, I had to go back home. I left my homework there. 3. Does your elder brother have to get up early in the morning? Yes, he does. We live a long way from school. 4. During the Great Patriotic War thousands of Russian teenagers had to leave school and begin working in factories and fileds. 5. Fiona didn’t come to my birthday. She had to stay at home and take care of her little sister. 6. Does she have to wear school uniform? Yes, she does. All the students wear it in her school. 7. Next week I will have to go to Manchester as a member of our school football team. 8. She has to stay at home today because she needs to write her essay about one of the wonders of nature.

1 Read the sentences and complete the words.
The first letter has been given.
Sally is always happy. She’s a very c____ (Cheerful?) person.
Anna can wait and never gets angry. She’s p____ (Patient?).
Jack likes drawing and painting, and making things. He’s very ____ (Maybe Creative?).
Ben likes going out with lots of different people. He is very s____ (Social?)
James often gives me lovely presents. He’s a g……………………….person.
Tony doesn’t like meeting and talking to new people. He is very s……………………
My sister has got l………………… s ………………… dark hair, but I have got
s …………………. c……………. fair hair.
Is he tall or short? – He is m………………. h…………………
In the fairy-tale, Cinderella married a h…………………. Prince and they lived happily ever after.
Is she beautiful? – Well, she is very a………………………

1 cheerful
2 patient
3 creative
4 sociable/ easy-going
5 generous
6 shy
7 long/straight-short/curly
8 middle height
9 handsome
10 attractive

Sally is always happy. She’s a very cheerful person.
Anna can wait and never gets angry. She’s patient.
Jack likes drawing and painting, and making things. He’s very сreative.
Ben likes going out with lots of different people. He is very sociable.
James often gives me lovely presents. He’s a generous person.
Tony doesn’t like meeting and talking to new people. He is very shy.
My sister has got long straight dark hair, but I have got
short curly fair hair.
Is he tall or short? – He is medium height.
In the fairy-tale, Cinderella married a handsome Prince and they lived happily ever after.
Is she beautiful? – Well, she is very attractive.