Exercise 2.
Complete the sentences with verb prefixes dis- mis- re- over-
We read the map wrongly and ended up ____turning to the same place.
I think I ______ judged Laura. She’s actually really nice.
My mobile phone’s dead. I need to ______ charge the battery.
It can take several weeks to ______ cover from flu.
I always hated it when my classmates ______ behaved.
Our dog was ______ treated by it’s previous owner.
It’s easier to _____ come problems if you share them.
I ______ heard an interesting conversation on the bus today.

1. returning
2. misjudged
3. recharge
4. recover
5. misbehaved
6. mistreated
7. overcome
8. overheard 

We read the map wrongly and ended up returning to the same place.
I think I misjudged Laura. She’s actually really nice.
My mobile phone’s dead. I need to recharge the battery.
It can take several weeks to recover from flu.
I always hated it when my classmates misbehaved.
Our dog was mistreated by it’s previous owner.
It’s easier to overcome problems if you share them.
I overheard an interesting conversation on the bus today.

Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
1. Ellie will take the children to school.
. The children will be taken to school by Ellie.
2. He cut the grass with the new lawnmower yesterday
3. Did they show the fire on the news?
4. Emma is showing them the photographs.
5. When did the wind blow down the tree?
6. Who has to sign these papers?
7. Amanda hates people staring at her.
8. She expects her boss to offer her a promotion.
9. He has to tidy his bedroom.
10. Will you have completed the task by Friday evening?
11. Terry offered her a lift to work.
12. Who teaches traditional dance at this school?
13. People often stuff turkeys with chestnut stuffing.
14. They awarded him a prize for his competition entry.
15. Will they play the tennis match on an indoor court?
16. Tom doesn’t like people asking him personal questions.
17. Everyone must learn the poem by heart.
18. Jean hadn’t cleaned the house by the time her husband arrived.
19. Who is going to welcome the guests?
20. We cook all the meals.
21. Grandmother takes care of the children.
22. Kate is choosing a new carpet at the moment.
23. Had Stuart washed the car before he went to the cinema?
24. Peter gave Jane a letter.
25. Who made all these cakes?

1. The children will be taken to school by Ellie. 2. The grass was cut with the new lawnmower by him yesterday. 3. Did the fire was shown on the news by them? 4. The photographs are showed to them by Ellie. 5. When did the tree was blown down by the wind? 6. By whom These papers have to be signed? 7. People are being hated by Amanda for starting at her 8. The boss is expected to give a promotion to her. 9. The bedroom is have to be cleaned by him. 10. The tasks will be completed by Friday evening. 11. She was offered a lift to work by him 12. By whom traditional dance is taught at this school. 13. Turkeys are often stuffed with chestnut stuffing by people. 14. He was awarded a prize for his competition entry by them. 15. Will the tennis match be played on an indoor court? 17. The poem must be learned by heart. 18. The house wasn’t cleaned by Jean by the time her husband arrived home. 19. By whom the guests will be welcomed? 20. All the meals are cooked by them. 21. The children are being taken care by their grandmother. 22. The new carpet is being chosen at the moment. 23. Had the car been washed by Stuart before he went to the cinema? 24. Jane was given a letter by Peter. 25. By whom all these cakes were made?

Complete the sentences with the new words.
1. Sports can- everyone.
2. It’s better to- a disease than to spend a lot of time on its
3. is good not only for your body but also for the soul.
4. There is a famous Lermontov- in the Caucasus.
5. If you swim in the ice hole, then you can be called a -
6. The best- for the cold is hot milk.
7. To - a disease is easier than to it.
8. One can’t be called a- if they swim in a cold
in summer.

Apple banana blue walk tree happy sing. Surely you were able to read each of the words in that sentence and understand what they meant independently. An apple is a fruit that is usually round and red, green or yellow. A banana is another fruit that is yellow. Blue is a color…and so on and so forth. However, when you look at the sentence as a whole, does it make sense? Probably not. This nonsense sentence demonstrates the difference between being able to read words and comprehend text. As practiced readers we may take this distinction for granted since the acts of reading and comprehension occur almost simultaneously for us. For developing readers this relationship is not as apparent, but is essential for them to become strong, capable readers.

What exactly IS reading comprehension?

Simply put, reading comprehension is the act of understanding what you are reading. While the definition can be simply stated the act is not simple to teach, learn or practice. Reading comprehension is an intentional, active, interactive process that occurs before, during and after a person reads a particular piece of writing.

Complete the sentences with the verds in brakets in the past simple or the present perfect.
1) The tourists. (just/come) into the musems.
2) The girls looks surprised. She. (never/get) any letters.
3). (be) you to Lake Baikl? No I. not. But. I want to go there once.
4) We. (turn) to the righet, (cross) the square and. (see) the theatre.
5) He is very tired. We. ( just/run) a morathon.
6) The children. (go) to the Hermitage yesterday.
7) I.(cook) a sweet pizza. Would you like to try.

1) The tourists have just come into the musems.
2) The girls looks surprised. She has never got any letters.
3) Have you ever been to Lake Baikl? No I have not. But. I want to go there once. 
4) We turned to the right, crossed the square and saw the theatre.
5) He is very tired. We have just run a morathon. 
6) The children went to the Hermitage yesterday. 
7) I have cooked a sweet pizza. Would you like to try.

1. Have just come 
2. Has never got 
3. Have you been / I haven’t
4. Turned / crossed / saw
5. Have just run 
6. Went
7. Cooked

Complete the sentences using the missing words: up, after, forward to, for, through.
Look …. the baby while I’m out.
If you look …. it carefully, you’ll see the mark.
The schoolchildren always look … the holidays.
I’ve been looking …. my glasses for a half an hour.
He looked …. the book to see if he had read it before.
Why are you here? Tom is looking …. you downstairs.
Don’t worry! The children will be looked….
He looked …. me for a few moments and then smiled.
He asked me to look …. the document.
I am looking …. your letter.

Look after the baby while I’m out.
If you look at it carefully, you’ll see the mark.
The schoolchildren always look forward to the holidays.
I’ve been looking for my glasses for a half an hour.
He looked through the book to see if he had read it before.
Why are you here? Tom is looking for you downstairs.
Don’t worry! The children will be looked after.
He looked at me for a few moments and then smiled.
He asked me to look through the document.
I am looking through your letter.

1. If you are younger than 18, you must have a work permit.
2. You can get a work permit from the principal’s office of a high school or from the county school board office.
3. Some jobs require you to drive during working hours.
4. Most states require a written test and a driving test.
5. Being limited-English-proficient or a foreigner should not, normally, stop you from getting a driver’s license.
6. If you went to high school in another country, you should do everything possible to get a copy of your foreign high-schooldiploma.
7. If you attended a college or university, you should get an official transcript of your record.
8. If you completed a vocational technical training programme, you should have a certificate to verify that you had such training.
9. Some professions require you to have a state license in order to work. These professions include cosmetology, nursing, medicine, law, accountancy, pharmacy, engineering, teaching and others.
10. To get the license, you must take an exam. To find out about getting a state license, contact the state licensing board in the capital of your state.
11. Employers may be interested in knowing the kind of training and experience you received in the military, even if you served in the military of another country.
12. You may have skills that you developed without special training.

1. Если вы моложе 18 лет, у вас должно быть разрешение на работу.  
2. Вы можете получить разрешение на работу в офисе директора средней школы или в офисе школьного совета  
3. Некоторые работы требуют, чтобы вы умели водить, когда вы работаете.  
4. Большинство "рабочих мест" (не подобрал слов) требуют письменного теста и теста на вождение.  
5. Будучи ограниченным - владеющим английским языком или иностранцем, вы не должны, как правило, получать разрешение на получение водительских прав.  
6. Если вы поехали в среднюю школу в другую страну, вы должны сделать все возможное, чтобы получить копию своего иностранного диплома.  
7. Если вы посещали колледж или университет, вы должны получить официальную расшифровку вашей записи.  
8. Если вы закончили программу профессионального технического обучения, у вас должен быть сертификат, подтверждающий, что вы прошли обучение.  
9. Некоторые профессии требуют, чтобы у вас была государственная лицензия для работы.   Эти профессии включают косметологию, сестринское дело, медицину, право, бухгалтерский учет, аптеку, инженерное дело, обучение и другие.  
10. Чтобы получить лицензию, вы должны сдать экзамен.   Чтобы узнать о получении государственной лицензии, обратитесь в государственную лицензионную комиссию в столицу вашей области (штата). 
11. Работодатели могут быть заинтересованы в том, чтобы узнать, какую подготовку и опыт вы получили в армии, даже если вы служили в армии другой страны.  
12. У вас могут быть навыки, которые вы развили без специальной подготовки.

4. In England the weather is ______
A. sunny
B. snowy
C. rainy
5. Dover is _________
A. in France
B. in England
C. in Spain
6. It s often _________in England
A. wet
B. dry
C. very cold
7. Complete the expressions
. a________of toothpaste
. a________of milk
. a__________of oil
a_________of oinment
8. find good advice for each problem
a toothache-
a bad headache-
the flu-
a cough-
9. What shouldn t people do to protect environment. Write 2-3 tnings
10. What should people do to protect environment. Write 2-3 things

4. C
5. C
6. A
7. a tube of toothpaste
a box of milk
a packaging of oil
a instruction of oinment
8. a toothhache
9. Factories shouldn’t make dumps in forests and fields because a contamination of the soil leads to the fact that the plants which are grown in this soil can be poisoned and dangerous for people. Those dumps also kill many animals everyday.
10. Watch leaky faucets, which can cause a significant increase in the the water bill. An average of 120 liters of water can be wasted due to a dripping faucet. Think of recovering rainwater. This water can be used for different purposes.

Read and complete about yourself.
1. Can you climb
2. Can you fly?
3. Can you sing?
4. Can you dance?
или переведите.

Ты умеешь лазать
Ты умеешь летать
Ты умеешь петь
Ты умеешь танцевать

Напиши про себя:
1. Умеешь ли ты лазать по деревьям?
2. Умеешь ли ты летать?
3. Умеешь ли ты петь?
4. Умеешь ли ты танцевать?
Ответ должен быть либо YES, I CAN (да, я умею), либо NO, I CAN’T (нет, я не умею).

Используйте слова в подходящей форме.
New lands have always attracted people. Some. (geography) discoveries were made by chance or even due to mistakes. The travellers of the past did not have any. (rely) navigation devices. Maps were often inaccurate and incomplete which made mistakes. (avoidable). The dangers, however, didn’t stop the adventurers. They used every. (possible) for exploring the world. Lots of. (fortunate) travellers lost their lives, but those who survived kept searching for new lands, new goods, and new knowledge. The knowledge was, obviously, the most. (value) of these things.

New lands have always attracted people. Some geographical discoveries were made by chance or even due to mistakes. The travellers of the past did not have any reliable navigation devices. Maps were often inaccurate and incomplete which made mistakes unavoidable. The dangers, however, didn’t stop the adventurers. They used every possibility for exploring the world. Lots of unfortunate travellers lost their lives, but those who survived kept searching for new lands, new goods, and new knowledge. The knowledge was, obviously, the most valuable of these things.
Новые земли всегда привлекали людей. Некоторые географические открытия были сделаны случайно или даже из-за ошибок. В прошлом у путешественников не было никаких надежных навигационных устройств. Карты часто были неточными и неполными, что делало ошибки неизбежными. Опасности, однако, не останавливали авантюристов. Они использовали каждую возможность исследовать мир. Многие несчастные путешественники погибали, но те, кто выжил, продолжали искали новые земли, новые товары и новые знания. Знание было, очевидно, самым ценным из этих вещей.

1. Use Present Perfect Continuous to complete the sentences.
Remember: have/has been + V. ing !
• It’s seven pm. I (wash) the dishes since six pm.
• We (work) since morning.
• Dad (watch) TV.
• Sarah (cook) dinner for two hours.
• The book is difficult to read. I (read) it for a month.
• They (sleep) for 10 hours!
• Her eyes were red. It was clear she (cry).
• Mr. Thompson (wait) for 3 hours.
• I (do) my homework since seven o’clock.
• The teacher (examine) all the students for 4 hours.
• It (rain) for several days.
• Liz (paint) in her room since morning.
• Alec (stand) there since 6 o’clock.
• Sam (study) French for 5 years.

1. It’s seven pm. I have washing the dishes since six p. m.
2 We have working since morning.
3. Dad has watching TV
4. Sarah has cooking dinner for two hours
5. The book is difficult to read. I have reading it for a month
6. They have sleeping for 10 hours!
7. Her eyes were red. It was clear she has cried
8. Mr. Thompson has waiting for 3 hours
9. I have doing my homework since seven o’clock
10. The teacher has examining all the students for 4 hours.
11. It has raining for several days
12. Liz has painting in the room since morning
13. Alec has standing there since 6 o’clock
14. Sam has studing French for 5 years.