Образуйте наречия от прилагательных и образуйте степени сравнения:
Slow, careful, shy, sly, rare, true, whole, quick, bad, nice, correct, beautiful, tragic, dramatic, public, simple, terrible, easy, happy, early, angry, good, little, much, late, far, fast, low, near, late, hard, bright, comfort dangerous, perfect, useful, recent, usual, seldom, heavy, expensive, pretty, polite, strange, short, complete, great.

Slower, more careful, shier, slier, rarer, truer, wholer, quicker, worse (искл), nicer, correcter, more beautiful, tragicer, more dramatic, publicer, simpler и more simple (образовывается в 2 формы), more terrible, easir, happier, earlier, angrier, better (искл. ), less (искл), more (искл), later, farrer, faster, lower, nearer, later, harder, brighter, comforter, more dangerous, perfecter, usefuler, recenter, usualer, seldomer, heavier, more expensive, prettier, politer, stranger, shorter, more complete, greater.

Переведите письменно текст:
Man’s conscious labor and his first tools marked the beginning of the establishment of human society. Human beings embarked upon an entirely new way of life, unlike the life led by animals. Animal can only make use of those benefits which nature provides for them. Labor freed man from this complete dependence upon nature.
With the aid of his new tools the man was able to get benefits to nature that were formerly inaccessible to him. He was also able to change these natural benefits and to make them more useful to himself. Tools of stone and wood made it possible for primitive man to considerably extend his use of material values.
Man began to kill large, strong animals and thus added quantities of nourishing meat products to his diet. He learned to work the skins of animals and used them to protect his body from the cold. Man also used his tools to build shelters. It was the production of material values that became the basis of life in human society.

Разумный труд человека и его первые инструменты означали начало создания человеческого общества. Люди вступили в совершенно новый образ жизни, в отличие от жизни животных. Животные могут использовать только те преимущества, которые природа предоставляет им. Труд освободил человека от этой полной зависимости от природы. С помощью его новых инструментов человек смог получить выгоду от природы, которая ранее была недоступна ему. Инструменты из камня и дерева позволили первобытному человеку значительно расширить его использование материальных ценностей. Человек начал убивать крупных, сильных животных и, таким образом, добавлял в свой рацион количество питательных мясных продуктов. Он научился работать на коже животных и использовал их для защиты своего проклятия от холода. Человек также использовал свои инструменты для строительства приютов. Именно производство материальных ценностей стало основой жизни в человеческом обществе.

The following sentences are direct speech. Complete each sentence below using reported speech.
1. She said, "How many hours a day do you watch TV?"
2. She said, "Don’t write a letter to Ann."
3) He asked, "What magazines do you prefer to read?"
She said, "Tom is leaving tomorrow night."
"Have you had your hair cut?", my mother asked me.
The chief ordered, "Go to the theatre and book the tickets."
She said, "Kent has visited many countries in western Europe."
I said, "Don’t drink coffee at night, you will not sleep."
He read, "The south of England is warmer than the North."
10."Are you going to pick up the phone?", Miranda asked him.

1. she asked how many hours a day I watched TV
2. She asked not to write a letter to Ann
3) He asked what magazines I prefered to read
She said that  Tom was leaving next night.
My mother asked me if I  had had my hair cut
The chief ordered to go to the theatre and book the tickets
She said, “Kent has visited many countries in western Europe.”
I said, “Don’t drink coffee at night, you will not sleep.”
He read, “The south of England is warmer than the North.”
10.“Are you going to pick up the phone?”, Miranda asked him.

Упражнение 1. Complete the sentences using Present Progressive Tense.
1. _________ your English _________ (get) better?
2. I _________ (see) the manager tomorrow.
3. He _________ (play) tennis this afternoon.
4. Sue _________ (come) to see us tomorrow.
5. I _________ (go) to the theatre this evening.
6. At what time _________ Katy _________ (arrive) tomorrow.
7. I _________ (not work) this evening.
8. I _________ (not use) the car this evening.
9. When _________ you _________ (take) me to the zoo?
10. I _________ (start) piano lessons soon.
11. We _________ (go) camping tomorrow.
12. Pete´s parents _________ (take) him to Holland next week.
13. My favourite TV program _________ (start) in a minute.

1. Is your English getting better?
2. I’m seeing the manager tomorrow.
3. He’s playing tennis this afternoon.
4. Sue is coming to see us tomorrow.
5. I’m going to the theatre this evening.
6. At what time is Katy arriving tomorrow?
7. I’m not working this evening.
8. I’m not using the car this evening.
9. When are you taking me to the zoo?
10. I’m starting piano lessons soon.
11. We’re going camping tomorrow.
12. Peter’s parents are taking him to Holland next week.
13. My favourite TV programme is starting in a minute.

Напишите степени сравнения данных прилагательных :
Sad, happy, big, grey, far, honorable, bad news dry, near, old, complete, unusual, brilliant, lovely, little, ugly, low, productive, heavy, strong, slender, famous, messy, polite, slow, remarkable, tall, young, good, hot, tasty, cheap, large, high, busy, many.

Sad sadder saddest
Happy happier happiest
big bigger biggest
far farther farthest
honorable more honorable most honorable
bad worse worst
near nearer nearest
old older oldest
complete more complete most complete
unusual more unusual most unusual
little less least
ungly uglier ugliest
low lower lowest
productive more productive most productive
heavy heavier heaviest
strong stronger strongest
famous more famous most famous
messy messier messiest
polite more polite most polite
slow slower slowest
remarkable more remarkable most remarkable
tall taller tallest
young younger youngest
good better best
hot hotter hottest
tasty tastier tastiest
cheap cheaper cheapest
large larger largest
high higher highest
busy busier busiest
many more most

Выполните корректный перевод:
7. Athlete’s declaration
I, certify that the information set out at sections 1, 5 and 6 is accurate. I authorize the release of personal medical information to the International Skating Union (ISU) as well as to WADA authorized staff, to the WADA TUEC (Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee) and to other ADO TU’ECs and authorized staff that may have a right to this information under the World Anti-Doping Code ("Code") and/or the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions.
I consent to my physician(s) releasing to the above persons any health information that they deem necessary in order to consider and determine my application.
I understand that my information will only be used for evaluating my TUE request and in the context of potential anti-doping rule violation investigations and procedures. I understand that if I ever wish to (1) obtain more information about the use of my health information; (2) exercise my right of access and correction; or (3) revoke the right of these organizations to obtain my health information, I must notify my medical practitioner and the ISU in writing of that fact. I understand and agree that it may be necessary for TUE-related information submitted prior to revoking my consent to be retained for the sole purpose of establishing a possible anti-doping rule violation, where this is required by the Code.
I consent to the decision on this application being made available to all ADOs, or other organizations, with Testing authority and/or results management authority over me.
I understand and accept that the recipients of my information and of the decision on this application may be located outside the country where I reside. In some of these countries data protection and privacy laws may not be equivalent to those in my country of residence.
I understand that if I believe that my Personal Information is not used in conformity with this consent and the International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information, I can file a complaint to WADA or CAS.
Athlete’s signature: Date:
Parent’s/Guardian’s signature: Date:
(if the athlete is a minor or has a disability preventing himu’her from signing this form. A parent or guardian shall sign together with or on behalf of the athlete)
Please submit the completed form to the ISU either by post or email at [email protected]
and keep a copy for your records/

Я, (имя, фамилия), удостоверяю, что информация, изложенная в пунктах 1,5 и 6, верная. Я разрешаю свободное предоставление личной медицинской информации Международному союзу конькобежцев, а также полномочным представителям  ВАДА, Комитету терапевтического использования ВАДА и другим антидопинговым комитетам и их представителям, которые имеют право на эту информацию под эгидой всемирного антидопингового кодекса и международного стандарта. Я согласен, чтобы мои врачи  предоставили вышеуказанным лицам, информацию о моем здоровье, которую они посчитают необходимой в случае рассмотрения моего заявления. Я понимаю, что моя информация может быть использована только по запросу, Комитета терапевтического использования и в контексте расследования нарушений антидопинговых правил. Я понимаю, что если я когда либо захочу:
1) получить больше информации об использовании моих медицинских данных;
2) осуществить свои права в доступе и коррекции
3) аннулировать право этих организаций на получение информации о моих данных,
я должен уведомить  моего врача и международный комитет конькобежцев об этом факте.

Complete the sentences with words from the texts:
1. There’s no u. in Astana
2. I don’t want to live in the centre because it’s n. and c.
3. Some years ago Almaty was f. got its apples
4. My parents moved from the town to the village because of t. and p.
5. The streets in Almaty aren’t very w.
6. Paris is a centre for t.
7. Madrid is the c. of Spain
Big Ben is a famous c.

Заполните предложения словами из текстов:1. В Астане нет. 2. Я не хочу жить в центре, потому что это n. И c. 3. Несколько лет назад Алматы была f. Получила свои яблоки4. Мои родители переехали из города в деревню из-за т. И р. 5. Улицы в Алматы не очень. 6. Париж - это центр для. 7. Мадрид - это Испания. ИспанияБиг Бен - знаменитый c.

The picture was taken at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon just before an earthquake happened. what was each person doing? Use these verbs/phrases eat a sandwich, sleep, talk on the phone, rain, play video games, read a magazine, cook to complete the sentences Jenny Steve Sue and Tony Max Mrs Smith Outside, it Mr Smith

Картина была сделана в 5 часов дня вчера днем, прежде чем произошло землетрясение. Что делал каждый? Используйте эти глаголы / фразы, которые едят сэндвич, спят, разговаривают по телефону, проводят дождь, играют в видеоигры, читают журнал, готовят для завершения приговоров Дженни Стив Сью и Тони Макс, миссис Смит Снайт, это мистер Сми

3. Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above it, Use an -ing form or an infinitive.
0 Christa likes swimming and ice-skating. She prefers the second activity.
Christa prefers. ……
1 The driver was tired and felt like having a break. So he stopped driving.
The driver stopped driving. a break.
2 Lucia was feeling very unhappy. She pretended she wasn’t unhappy.
Lucia pretended. unhappy.
3 Karel is called ’Daddy’ by his stepdaughter. He likes it.
Karel likes.’Daddy’ by his stepdaughter.
4 We went to Disneyland when I was young. I’ll never forget it.
I’ll never forget. to Disneyland when I was young.
4 Brad had taken the money from the shop. He admitted it.
Brad admitted. the money from the shop.
5 We will have finished building the house by March. Well, that’s the plan!
We plan. building the house by March.
6 I heard what they were saying. I couldn’t help it.
I couldn’t help. what they were saying.
7 Jan’s brother suggested that she went on holiday with him. She didn’t agree.
Jan didn’t agree. with her brother.

0 Christa prefers to ice-skate.
1 The driver stopped driving to have a break.
2 Lucia pretended to be unhappy.
3 Karel likes being called ’Daddy’ by his stepdaughter.
4 I’ll never forget going to Disneyland when I was young.
4 Brad admitted taking / having taken the money from the shop.
5 We plan to have finished building the house by March.
6 I couldn’t help hearing what they were saying.
7 Jan didn’t agree to go on holiday with her brother.

1. Complete the sentences with verbs in brackets in the infinitive or -ing form.
1 Olivia is helping. children at her local school (teach).
2 Larry is preparing. his driving test tomorrow. We all hope he’ll pass. (take)
3 Pete is learning. French- so he can talk to his new customers
in Paris. (speak)
4 Fiona and Chris enjoy. tennis at the club. (play)
5 Steve goes. at the new pool every Saturday afternoon. (swim)
6 Dave pretends. classical music, but he hates it really. (like)
7 Doreen’s house is always perfect. She does some. before work every day.(clean)

1 Olivia is helping children to teach at her local school. 
2 Larry is preparing to take his driving test tomorrow
3 Pete is learning to speak French so he can talk to his new customers in Paris
4 Fiona and Chris enjoy playing tennis at the club. 
5 Steve goes swimming at the new pool every Saturday afternoon
6 Dave pretends to like classical music, but he hates it really
7 She does some cleaning before work every day.

1. Olivia is helping to teach children at her local school. 
2. Larry is preparing to take his driving test tomorrow. We all hope he’ll pass.
3. Pete is learning to speak French - so he can talk to his new customers in Paris.
4. Fiona and Chris enjoy playing tennis at the club.  
5. Steve goes swimming at the new pool every Saturday afternoon. 
6. Dave pretends to like classical music, but he hates it really.  
7. Doreen’s house is always perfect. She does some cleaning before work every day.