Complete the sentences with the words something, anything, nothing, nobody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere
1._________knew about the life on the new continent.
2. Does_________ know what happened?
3. There is___________ in the bag.
4. Can you see_________from the top?
5. It’s very dark here. I can see________.
6. Have you travelled__________this summer?
7. I’ve lost my hat________.

1) Nobody - Никто ничего не знал о жизни на этом новом континенте
2) anybody - Кто-нибудь знает, что случилось?
3) something - В моей сумке что-то есть
4) anything - Ты что-нибудь видишь с вершины холма?
5) nothing - Здесь очень темно. Я ничего не вижу
6) anywhere - Ты куда-нибудь путешествовал этим летом?
7) somewhere - Я где-то потерял мою шляпу

Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun:2)Harry has two sons. plays football with. in his free time.3)That’s my dictionary.Can I have. back, please.4)Irma’s new teacher is Mr Banks. likes. a lot.5)Jane and I are good students. like our teacher Estella and she likes.6)Our teacher gives. a lot of homework.7)Kate likes Joanna, but Maria doesn’t like. at all.8)Anna buys a newspaper every day. reads. on the train.9)Look! This is a photo of. with my family.10)Sally lives near Paul and Sue. goes to work with. every day in their car.

2)Harry has two sons. HE plays football with THEM in his free time.3)That’s my dictionary.Can I have IT back, please.4)Irma’s new teacher is Mr Banks. SHE likes HIM a lot.5)Jane and I are good students. WE like our teacher Estella and she likes US.6)Our teacher gives US a lot of homework.7)Kate likes Joanna, but Maria doesn’t like HER at all.8)Anna buys a newspaper every day. SHE reads IT on the train.9)Look! This is a photo of ME with my family.10)Sally lives near Paul and Sue.SHE goes to work with THEM every day in their car.

Complete the sentences with these expressions
(I’m looking for, I’m looking after, I’m looking forward to)
1)I’M LOOKING FOR my glasses.
2). seeing you next weekend.
3).….….… my sister’s daughter this evening.
4). my neighbours’house while they’re away.
5). a new plase to live.
6). my birthday.
7). a birthday present for my sister.
8). going on holiday next week.
9).Sue’s dog for a week.

2 I’m looking forward to my seeing you next weekend.
3 I’m looking after my sister’s daughter this evening.
4 I’m looking after my neighbors’ house while they are away.
5 I’m looking for a new place to live.
6 I’m looking forward to my birthday.
7 I’m looking for a birthday present for my sister.
8 I’m looking forward to my going on holiday next week.
9 I’m looking after Sue’s dog for a week.
to look AFTER -присматривать за кем - либо
to look FOR - искать что-либо
to look FORWARD TO - ждать с нетерпением.

Complete the sentences with be + going to. Use the verb in brackets.
A 1 Is anna going to be at your party? (Be) B Yes, and she 2 her new boyfriend. (bring).
A where are your parents?
B They’re out shopping. They 3 a new tv. (buy)
A What 4 they with the old one? (do)
B I don’t know/ but they5 it to me/ (not/give)
A Mike 6 us newxt year/ (not teach )
B why not?
A Because he 7 to the USA. (go back )

A 1 Is Anna going to be at your party? (Be) B Yes, and she is going to bring her new boyfriend. (bring).
A Where are your parents?
B They’re out shopping. They are going to buy a new TV. (buy)
A What are they going to do with the old one? (do)
B I don’t know. But they are not going to give it to me. (not/give)
A Mike is not going to teach us next year. (not teach )
B Why not?
A Because he is going to go back to the USA. (go back )

Complete the sentences.
1. If I didnt have a headache.
2. If my parents had more free time,
3. If I travelled abroad,
4. If I were you,
5. Unless I study harder,
6. My friends agrees,
7. If we had played better,
8. If my parents had enough money,
9. Unless we have a ticket,
10. If I get up early,

1.I would go for a walk
2.we would spend more time together
3.I would take as many photos as I could
4.I wouldn’t miss that opportunity
5.I won’t get better marks
6.if I ask him to help me
7.we would have won the game
8.they would allow me to go to the sportscamp
9.we can’t enter the excibition
10.I will have breakfast alone

1. If I didn’t have a headache, I would ride a bike.
2. If my parents had more free time, we would spend a lot of time together.
3. If I travelled abroad, I would buy a lot of souvenirs.
4. If I were you, I would apologize.
5. Unless I study harder, I won’t pass my exam,
6. My friends agrees to go to the gym together.
7. If we had played better, we would have won the championship.
8. If my parents had enough money, they would buy a new cottage.
9. Unless we have a ticket, we won’t attend the concert.
10. If I get up early, I won’t be late for school.

Complete the sentences.
1. If I found a wallet in the street,
2. If I met a celebrity,
3. If I didn’t have enough money to get the bus home,
4. If I were on holiday and lost my passport,
5. If I had only one wish,
6. If I were the President of my country,

1. I would try to find its owner.
2. I would ask for an autograph.
3. I would go by foot.
4. I would go to the police.
5. I would ask for a world peace.
6. I would keep living in my old house.

If I found a wallet on the street, so you have to get it back.
If I met a celebrity, it would be very cool.
If I didn’t have enough money to get the bus home, I would have walked.
If I only had one wish, I would ask for world peace.
If I were President of my country, I would become the best President in the world.

3. Was or were? Complete the sentences. 1.The weather _____ rainy and stormy in Sochi three days ago. 2. We ____ in the Vicky Park in London last week. 3. ____ the film Harry Potter interesting? 4. Where ____ you after repetition yesterday? 5. ____ it difficult to buy tickets at the railway station 6. My older sister ____ at the exhibition in St.Petersburg last year. 7. Where ____ Mary’s parents last weekend? 8. It ___ rather difficult to translate a text from Arabian into English. 9. When ____ you here last time?

1.The weather was rainy and stormy in Sochi three days ago. 2. We were in the Vicky Park in London last week. 3. Was the film Harry Potter interesting? 4. Where were you after repetition yesterday? 5. Was it difficult to buy tickets at the railway station 6. My older sister was at the exhibition in St.Petersburg last year. 7. Where were Mary’s parents last weekend? 8. It was rather difficult to translate a text from Arabian into English. 9. When were you here last time?

1. was
2. were
3. was
4. were
5. was
6. was
7. were
8. was
9. were

II. Open the brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Look! What a strong wind (blow)!
2. It (snow) at 5 yesterday.
3. We (play) tennis yesterday.
4. I just (lose) my dictionary.
5. They (sleep) since 5.
III. Express the same using passive constructions.
1. They asked our names in the hotel.
2. People all over the world will enjoy the musical Chicago.
3. She washes all the dishes in the evening.
4. You can’t sing this terrible song at the concert.
5. We must discuss this news after school.
IV. Complete the sentences.
1. I (stay) at home if it (rain).
2. Mother (buy) me a puppy when she (get) money.
3. Nick (go) to the cinema when he (finish ) his lessons.
4. If you (phone) Bob, he (come).
5. I (go) to the country if the weather (change).
V. Open the brackets using Complex Object.
1. My parents don’t let (I, sit) up late.
2. I watched (they, dance).
3. I’ve never heard (he, sing).
4. We’d like (she, join) us.
5. I don’t want (you, cry).

1 What a strong wind is blowing!
2. It was snowing at 5 yesterday.
3. We played tennis yesterday.
4. I have just lost my dictionary.
5. They have been sleeping ( have slept) since 5.
1. Our names were asked by them in the hotel.
2. The musical Chicago will be enjoyed by people all over the world.
3. All the dishes are washed by her in the evening.
4. This terrible song can’t be sung by you at the concert.
5. This news must be discussed by us after school.
IV. Complete the sentences.
1. I will stay at home if it rains.
2. Mother will buy me a puppy when she gets money.
3. Nick will go to the cinema when he finishes his lessons.
4. If you phone Bob, he will come.
5. I will go to the country if the weather changes.
1. My parents don’t let me sit up late.
2. I watched them dancing.
3. I’ve never heard him singing.
4. We’d like her to join us.
5. I don’t want you to cry.

Нужно вставить подходящие выражения
Complete the sentences by choosing suitable linking word from the box below:
provided that, supposing, unless, in case, as long as, so long as
1) We’ll pay them more money ___ they work harder.
2) We won’t give them longer holidays ___ they promise to be more productive.
3) We won’t shorten their lunch-break ___ they agree to start earlier.
4) We’ll have to improve safety standards ___ someone has an accident.
5) We’ll consider providing better working conditions ___ we have enough money.
6) ___ we introduce a shorter working week, how will we make a profit?
7) We’ll include worker representatives in the Board of Directors ___ they’re trained to manage.
8) We’ll let some of full-time workers stay with us ___ they agree to be lower-paid.

1) We’ll pay them more money __provided that_ they work harder.
2) We won’t give them longer holidays __unless_ they promise to be more productive.
3) We won’t shorten their lunch-break __ in case_ they agree to start earlier.
4) We’ll have to improve safety standards __in case_ someone has an accident.
5) We’ll consider providing better working conditions __provided that_ we have enough money.
6) __unless_ we introduce a shorter working week, how will we make a profit?
7) We’ll include worker representatives in the Board of Directors __as long as_ they’re trained to manage.
8) We’ll let some of full-time workers stay with us __as long as_ they agree to be lower-paid.

4. Look at the table. Write sentences.
Lucy / opera _______Lucy never goes to the opera.____________________
John / opera ________John goes to the opera every month.______________
Lucy / cinema ____________________________________________________
Chris and Sally / cinema ____________________________________________
John / cinema ____________________________________________________
Chris and Sally / theatre ____________________________________________
Lucy / theatre ____________________________________________________
John / theatre ____________________________________________________
5. Put the words in order.
go I never opera the to ___I never go to the opera.___________________
football once plays Steve week______________________________________
always Donna golf on plays Sundays___________________________________
go sometimes the theatre they to _________________________________
Carlo doesn’t tennis often play _______________________________________
basketball every I play Thursday ______________________________________
6. Match the questions to the answers.
How long do you sleep at night?
In London.
What do you do in the evening?
Half past twelve.
What do you have for breakfast?
I watch television.
What time do you have lunch?
In a bank.
Where do you have lunch?
In a restaurant.
Where do you live?
Toast and coffee.
Where do you work?
Eight hours.
7. Write Chantal’s answers to the questions.
1 Do you live in Paris?
_____Yes, I do.___________________
2 Does Bill live in Paris?
_____No, he doesn’t._______________
3 Do you like rock music?
4 Does Bill like rock music?
5 Do you ever eat in restaurants?
6 Do you like sushi?
7 Does Bill work in a school?
8 Do you watch television?
9 Does Bill go to the opera?
10 Does Bill play football?
8. Complete the sentences with do, does, don’t or doesn’t.
___Does___ your uncle like jazz?
Bill __________live in Paris - he lives in London.
I like Japanese food but I __________ like sushi.
Where __________ you live?
What time __________ you go to the gym?
I __________ go to the theatre. I prefer the cinema.
__________ Marc play tennis?
How often __________ he play tennis?
How long __________ you have for lunch?
__________ you like football?
What __________ you have for breakfast?
Anne __________ eat pasta.
7. Match the questions to the answers.
Соmе in!
Go to bed!
Whеге’s the supermarket?
Please ореn the window.
It’s expensive.
Take а seat.
Тhе traffic light is red.
Тurn left and it’s in front оf yоu.
This exercise is difficult.
It’s hоt in hеге.
Lend mе yours, рlеаsе.
I’m thirsty.
Don’t buy it.
There’s а mар with the email.
Have some water.
It’s late.
Print it.
I haven’t got а реn.
Рlеаsе help me.

4. Lucy never goes to the cinema.
Chris and Sally go to the opera every month.
John never goes to the cinema.
Chris and Sally go to the theatre every month.
Lucy never goes to the theatre.
John goes to the theatre every month.
5. Steve plays football once a week.
Dona always plays golf on Sundays.
Sometimes they go to the theatre.
Carlo doesn’t play tennis often.
I play basketball every Thursday.
3. Yes, I do.
4. No, he doesn’t.
5. Yes, I do.
6. No, I don’t.
7. Yes, he does.
8. No, I don’t.
9. Yes, he does.
10. No, he doesn’t.
8. Bill doesn’t love in Paris.
I don’t like sushi.
Where do you live?
What time do you go to the gym?
I don’t go to the theatre.
Does Marc play tennis?
How often does he play tennis?
How long do you have for lunch?
Do you like football?
What do you have for lunch?
Anne doesn’t eat pasta.